Watch: A Heated Exchange Of Words Between ANC And IFP Erupts In KZN

Watch: A Heated Exchange Of Words Between ANC And IFP Erupts In KZN


A heated exchange of words between ANC and Inkatha Freedom Party supporters erupted today in Kwa-Zulu Natal province during a clean up campaign to commemorate the Nelson Mandela Day.

It is ironic that on the day that South Africans are supposed to put aside their political differences and commemorate this day, those in Kwa-Zulu Natal chose to exchange words in heated argument.


In the video, IFP supporters could be seen telling ANC comrades to clean on their own side, while they were also cleaning their own side. It was clear that although this campaign was meant to unite people and show political tolerance, it turned out quite the opposite.

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Some of the Inkatha Freedom Party supporters were wearing their work uniforms along with party regalia. This led social critics to question if it is is allowed for municipal workers to wear party regalia with their work uniforms.

“I believe these are Expanded Public Works Program workers from Ulundi Municipality. Is it even allowed to wear your political regalia at work?” A social critic said.

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The idea of celebrating Nelson Mandela Day loses its mandate when people don’t understand that political tolerance is key in a democratic South Africa. It is what Mandela envisioned when he talked about a rainbow nation.

Content created and supplied by: DissentingVoices (via Opera
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