OPINION| The response by Paul regarding motorists brutal attacks can only be described as subdued

OPINION| The response by Paul regarding motorists brutal attacks can only be described as subdued

The response by our Deputy President, Paul Mashatile, and the person who aspires to be this country’s State President regarding the brutal attack of motorists by his Presidential protection unit, can only be described as subdued, cold and lacks the seriousness with which we expect him to condemn such animalistic behavior by people we least expect such brutality. I expected a kind of condemnation befitting a person occupying his office, that of a Deputy State President, which is much more meaningful that what we gotThese heavily armed men attacked what clearly appeared as visibly unarmed citizens and by the look of it, they looked like teenagers if not, very young adults if they had committed any crime at all, it was expected that they be arrested by the very security and Presidential protection unit because, for all intents and purposes, they are police officers. But clearly, their intent was just to beat the citizens and leave them at the crime scene, this begs the question of whether there was any crime committed at all6f4e6a2e4490476092baa92ace6a015b?quality=uhq&resize=720These thugs suffer from severe psychological defects occasioned by self hate this is the kind of disease Steve Biko warned and taught us about, it is when people accept their dehumanisation as an act of God and that those who dehumanised them, are regarded as angels who have a God given responsibility to dehumanise them. The only response under these circumstances, is to hate those who are victims of the very dehumanization they are subjected to. I’m almost certain, if their victims were white, they would have acted differently

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That said, we probably have brutal criminals masquerading as peace officers and protectors of our citizens they certainly don’t fit the description of peace officers, the opposite description fits them very well


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