Former Trump aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, spills even more embarrassing beans about her former boss by revealing his strange paranoias


Former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson spills even more embarrassing beans about her former boss by revealing his strange paranoias.

According to Hutchinson, Trump has turned into something like a mad Roman Emperor — constantly terrified that someone might try to poison him.

“He does have a very potent fear of being poisoned,” Hutchinson told Jimmy Kimmel on his late night show. 

“So he uses and prefers the small Heinz glass ketchup bottles, because he likes to hear his valet or whoever’s serving him his meal, he likes to hear the ‘pop,’” she added.

Of course, if Trump weren’t such a monstrous, cruel creature he wouldn’t have to worry about such things. 

He has surrounded himself with the lowest forms of life in politics: fascists, theocrats, and sexual predators. Not exactly the kind of people you want preparing your meals.

This serves him right. A man like Trump deserves no peace of mind.

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