Speaker Forced to Watch Helplessly as Chaos Erupt Aftet What Ichungwa Told ODM MPs

Speaker Forced to Watch Helplessly as Chaos Erupt Aftet What Ichungwa Told ODM MPs

Members of the National Assembly on Thursday debated a motion about police brutality that was witnessed during the Azimio la Umoja One Kénya Alliance anti-government protests. The motion was sponsored by ODM MP Hon Rosa Buyu.

However, the drama was witnessed after the National Assembly Leader of Majority Hon Kimani Ichungwa took to the floor to demand the Azimio la Umoja leaders, especially from the Luo Nyanza region to condemn the anti-government protests.c36fda8ed4e146cf8aa4b52ac52c6a77?quality=uhq&resize=720


The vocal Kikuyu constituency Member of the parliament urged the opposition from Raila Odinga’s backyard to stop mobilizing supporters to take to the streets to confront police officers during the anti-government protests.

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Kimani Ichungwa further went ahead and accused the opposition of using the anti-government protests to negotiate themselves into power. He condemned the opposition saying that they are only demonstrating to get a position in government.73e7ce7b038c4307b6394222fd1ac2ef?quality=uhq&resize=720

His sentiments did not godown well with Azimio la Umoja Mps who shouted back at him. Led by MP Milly Odhiambo, they confronted Kimani Ichungwa forcing him to cut short his speech which he was giving amidst noise from Azimio’s side.38c5e2f840cd4d8a980d65af703c3cf5?quality=uhq&resize=720

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This comes after the Azimio la Umoja coalition and several civil society groups accused the police of using excessive amounts of force during the anti-government protests. Azimio has threatened to take those who aides police brutality to ICC.

Video. https://www.facebook.com/100044260518058/posts/839339057551437/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

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