Zimbabwe Elections: Zanu-PF Claims Victory as Results Trickle In

Zimbabwe heads to elections as it sees some of the world's highest  inflation | WUNC

As the results from Zimbabwe’s closely contested general elections gradually emerge from various polling stations across the nation, the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF) has announced its projections of victory for incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Speaking at a press briefing in Harare, Patrick Chinamasa, the Treasurer General of Zanu-PF, stated that early calculations suggested Mnangagwa would secure a comfortable win with a projected margin between 60 and 65 percent.

Chinamasa addressed local and international media at the Zanu-PF headquarters, asserting that the party was on track to achieve a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly, emphasizing that this target had already been met. Furthermore, he highlighted the party’s confidence in Mnangagwa’s success based on data from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and information gathered by Zanu-PF’s electoral agents.

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This announcement comes as Zimbabweans await the final results of the general elections, which have been tightly contested. Chinamasa’s declaration reflects the ruling party’s optimism amidst mounting anticipation.

However, the fraught political landscape has led to tensions, with concerns over potential post-electoral violence. In response, Chinamasa warned against any instigation of violence and pledged to hold those responsible accountable under the law. He particularly singled out Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the main opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), cautioning against his statements that could incite unrest.

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Chamisa, on the other hand, has also claimed victory for his CCC party in the harmonized elections. Taking to social media, he asserted, “It’s a decisive win!” He further outlined the regions where his party was reportedly performing well in the elections.



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