SingleAndMingle: Too much makeup? Bachelorette called out by viewers

SingleAndMingle: Too much makeup? Bachelorette called out by viewers

There is really no fun in reacting to what happens in the show when we do not share some of the moments on social media and you might have also noticed this.

This is a thing every week, you should know by now that the viewers will point out a lot of things that they find hilarious.


There is actually nothing that cracks the viewers up like the conversations that happen during the dates, we get to see two people who are trying to make it work on TV.


It should not be easy to go through the process and they should know this even before they write to the show.

When the people come onto the show, it should be about finding someone, even though there is a likelihood that they will not.

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Then, there are viewers who just watch the show to be entertained and it is not often that viewers point out something wrong with the bachelorette’s makeup.


There are times when humour is portrayed and those funny moments are on people’s timelines on X/Twitter.

In the latest episode, the bachelorette had a thing or two to say about how she wants to be taken care of, she mentioned that loves being spoiled.

And that is actually not a weird thing to bring up on the first date. It is good that she said that because this puts her in a position where she would need to clear about what she needs to do to be taken care of.


Being spoiled means that the guy has to go out of his way to do nice things for the bachelorette and if that is the case, then she would need to do nice things for the guy.

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Now, the one thing that the viewers noticed as the bachelorette was talking was the makeup and obviously the edges. It makes sense that some people suggested that the show should have a makeup artist.


One could tell that the makeup was just too much, it is good that it was not an issue for the bachelor. Or maybe it was, the bachelor just did not want to make her look bad on national TV.

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