“Shame” Look At What Millionaires Of Zimbabweans Did To Their President Today

“Shame” Look At What Millionaires Of Zimbabweans Did To Their President Today

A recently surfaced video has shed light on an often unspoken aspect of political rallies, unveiling the candid reality that multitudes of Zimbabweans walked away as President Emmerson Mnangagwa delivered a speech. The video has sparked discussions about the motivations behind attendees and raises questions about the dynamics of such gatherings.


The video depicts a scene where numerous attendees, primarily from rural areas, are seen departing from the rally while the President addresses the crowd. The footage has ignited debates surrounding the intentions of those present, especially those who were bussed in for the event.

Observers point out that this video underscores a recurring trend where individuals are drawn to political rallies not solely for the content of the speeches but also for the ancillary benefits, such as the distribution of food. The image of attendees leaving after being provided with food has raised questions about the authenticity of the enthusiasm often associated with such events.

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Critics argue that the practice of bussing individuals from rural areas to rallies, often providing them with meals, raises ethical considerations. The disconnect between the message being conveyed and the basic needs of the attendees, particularly in regions lacking basic amenities, has drawn attention to the gap between political discourse and the lived experiences of citizens.

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Furthermore, the juxtaposition of celebrating “generation electricity” in areas without reliable access to electricity has raised eyebrows and drawn criticism. The video has sparked conversations about the appropriateness of promoting certain achievements in contexts where they may not be readily applicable.

As the video circulates and sparks conversations, it serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding political rallies and the motivations that drive attendance. The candid footage provides insight into the multifaceted nature of such events, inviting reflection on the broader dynamics at play within the realm of politics and public engagement.

source: https://twitter.com/daddyhope/status/1693144880170598547?s=46

Content created and supplied by: Onoktvnews (via Opera
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