ANC Bigwig Finally Reveals Why Malema Was Dismissed From The ANC. This Will Suprise You|| See Why

ANC Bigwig Finally Reveals Why Malema Was Dismissed From The ANC. This Will Suprise You|| See Why




It is now becoming a big debate on what could be the reason for the former African National Congress youth president by the name of Julius Malema. This is because the people still want to know what was the ANC’s motive to suspend Julius Malema from the ANC. The reason for this is that he was playing a huge role in shaping how the ANC should be in the future.

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Even though how he was shaping the ANC was not what some of the people want since they wanted to benefit through tenders that were awarded in the ANC. Julius Malema was suspended from the ANC in 2012 by the former ANC President Jacob Zuma who now is facing numerous charges of fraud, money laundering and racketeering.


The newly elected African National Congress youth president Collen Malatji reveals what the people of South Africa did not know about Malema’s dismissal from the ANC. This is because he just said that Malema was dismissed because he lack discipline which is something that is making his formed political party lose voters. The reason for this is that he does not act according to the needs of the people which has affected the people in large numbers.

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Even though Collen Malatji revealed the reason that could have suspended Malema from the ANC. It has now been claimed by the ANC that Malema was suspended from the ANC for lack of discipline since ANC members don’t have accountability and responsibility.


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