What A Shoe Vendor Has Recommended Ruto And Raila To Do

What A Shoe Vendor Has Recommended Ruto And Raila To Do

Fred Odhiambo a shoe vendor in Kenya was today 14th July 2023 in Citizen TV Kenya studios where he broke his silence concerning the anti government protests that are experienced in the country.

Fred Odhiambo has said that he thinks the country is currently not going on the right direction.


He has urged the president of Kenya His excellency William Samoei Ruto and the former Prime Minister of Kenya Rt Hon Raila Amollo Odinga to sit down and discuss so that the country can go forward.

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Here is what the source has reported;

“Fred Odhiambo – Shoe Vendor: The country is not moving in the right direction and I would urge the two leaders to have a sit down in order for the country to move forward.” Citizen TV Kenya posted on their official verified Facebook page.


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Content created and supplied by: Feng_FK (via Opera
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