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HomeNewsNoordin Haji Must Resign As Director-General- DP Gachagua Calls Out NIS

Noordin Haji Must Resign As Director-General- DP Gachagua Calls Out NIS

Gachagua on Thursday, June 26 claimed that the country’s intelligence system was faulty

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has boldly demanded that National Intelligence Service (NIS) Director General Noordin Haji should resign over what he termed as laxity in disseminating intelligence to President William Ruto.

Speaking during a live press conference in Mombasa, Gachagua on Thursday, June 26 claimed that the country’s intelligence system was faulty, blaming the NIS for failing to gather enough intelligence that could have been used to avert the fatal demonstrations on Tuesday.

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Gachagua pinned the blame on Haji, the former Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for failing to gather accurate intelligence which led to Ruto receiving unactionable information.

“Noordin Haji must take responsibility for the deaths, mayhem, failing President Ruto and Kenya for not doing his job. He must do the honourable thing, not just taking responsibility but resign,” Gachagua stated. 

“NIS slept on the job. It had to take people to die and protests across the country for Ruto to know the truth about what the people of Kenya feel yet there is an organisation paid for by the public to brief the president about the feelings of Kenyans.”

More to follow…



READ ALSO  Joho asks Gachagua to resign over remarks on NIS
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