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HomeNewsMt Kenya Residents Issue a Warning to Ruto Ahead of Wednesday's Demos

Mt Kenya Residents Issue a Warning to Ruto Ahead of Wednesday’s Demos

( Photo courtesy of President William Ruto during a past event)

Following Kenya Kwanza’s sentiments that the former prime minister Raila Odinga is trying to enter into the government via a back door, Mt Kenya residents have ganged up against the the sentiments as per the latest reports.

As relayed by a report covered on Standard digital, the angry residents have warned president William Ruto against using the former prime minister Raila Odinga as scapegoat.

According to them, Mr Odinga isn’t using the current high cost of living to advance his political journey but he’s genuinely fighting for voiceless Kenyans.

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” A section of Mt Kenya residents have told the Kenya Kwanza administration to stop trivialising calls to lower the high cost of living by viewing it as an attempt by Azimio leader Raila Odinga’s to gain power through the back door”, the report intimates.090230e6f28f48bc88a589941e07b358?quality=uhq&resize=720

This comes in line with Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza notions that Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition’s leaders are staging anti-government demonstrations for their personal gains.

Apparently, this is a form of defiance to Ruto’s government and a massive gain to the opposition as it emerges that their plans are perfectly working out.

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It should be noted that Raila Odinga and co-principals are expected to hold the Anti-government demonstrations from Wednesday all the way to Friday despite government’s warnings.

Lastly in your opinion, do you agree with Mt Kenya residents that Ruto has failed in lowering the cost of living?

Meanwhile, let us wait and see what happens next. Remember to Follow, Share and leave your opinion in the comment section below to stay updated on our news. Thank you for reading.

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