Kioni Finally Sets The Records Straight on Possibilities of Jubilee Party Ditching Azimio

Kioni Finally Sets The Records Straight on Possibilities of Jubilee Party Ditching Azimio

In a rare show of defiance, Jeremiah Kioni, the embattled Secretary General of Jubilee party, held a press conference to address the rumors of a planned exit from Azimio.

“Let me put the rumors to rest, we are not leaving Azimio,” he said.8cec74e324bb43368d098b36d609e209?quality=uhq&resize=720


Kioni went on to explain that the meetings with various Mt Kenya leaders were focused on addressing the interests of their constituents.

“We have to think about the interests of our people,” he stated emphatically.

He likened their meetings to those held by Eugene Wamalwa and Wycliffe Oparanya in the Western region and Raila Odinga’s bringing together of ODM leaders from the Luo region.

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Kioni, a former Ndaragwa MP, criticized the Kenya Kwanza administration for adopting a piecemeal approach to the economy, citing the example of the subsidised fertiliser distribution that neglects farmers cultivating other crops.

The Kamwene leaders’ meeting, he explained, serves as a platform for Mt. Kenya leaders to address the various problems affecting their constituents.

He confirmed that more leaders from the region and other like-minded leaders from other regions would be joining their discussions in the coming days.

When asked about a political entity for the 2027 General Election, Kioni did not provide confirmation, saying that their primary agenda remained centered on addressing the cost of living.

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Finally, Kioni criticized President William Ruto’s scheduled tour of the Mt Kenya region starting this Saturday, accusing him of undermining the region’s leadership.

“We are the owners of this region, not outsiders,” he said, his eyes blazing with indignation.

The press conference ended with Kioni promising to continue fighting for the interests of their people, firmly stating that Jubilee would not decamp from Azimio.

Content created and supplied by: Mascherano (via Opera
News )
