HomeNewsRaila Odinga Breaks Silence, Reveals Why His Eyes Sometimes Shed Tears (Video)

Raila Odinga Breaks Silence, Reveals Why His Eyes Sometimes Shed Tears (Video)

Azimio leader Raila Odinga once opened up about his six-year detention over involvement in the 1982 coup attempt. Raila said he bears physical and mental scars with satisfaction; among them a physical issue he supported in his passed on eye that makes it destroy. Holding up a tissue to clear detaches from his eyes, the previous State leader was delivered in February 1988 preceding being confined a half year after the fact, set free in June 1989 then imprisoned again in 1990 lastly delivered in 1991.

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The torments he went through during detainment in the Nyayo Place of torment impacted his eyes and for that reason his eyes are dependably weepy up to now. For quite a long time, he was either held incommunicado, in isolation or cuffed and on the way to the following jail or confinement camp. Family members passed on, including her cherished mother and her own sibling, and he never had the opportunity to bid farewell. Raila escaped to Norway upon discharge from Kamiti Greatest Jail in June 1991.

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It is during those difficult situations of long and questionable detainment that he found profound comfort in Mom Ida’s adoration and backing.

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