” You are indeed a bitter man. You offer nothing, just anger and resentment.”, Dudley slammed Manyi

" You are indeed a bitter man. You offer nothing, just anger and resentment.", Dudley slammed Manyi

The Economic Freedom Fighters member and member of parliament Mzwanele Manyi is seen always criticizing the ruling party, African National Congress and President of the Republic of South Africa and African National Congress Cyril Matamela.

” You are indeed a bitter man . You offer nothing , just anger and resentment . Are you a happy person Jimmy. Don’t do this to yourself … you can still redeem yourself by doing things that will benefit others , instead of doing someone else’s bidding.”, says Dudley Mokuena.

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This was after Mzwanele Manyi said that,” You CANNOT claim territorial integrity and sovereignty whilst being a member of the Commonwealth. South Africa through its membership of the Commonwealth has pledged loyalty to British Crown instead of to its people.Since 1994 the ANC has made SA subjects and puppets of the queen”

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Some even reminded Mzwanele Manyi that his close friend, the former president of the Republic of South Africa and African National Congress Jacob Zuma did that.

Source: https://twitter.com/DudleyMoku21666/status/1672515581621272578?t=obWbePbhPpDULEm2LyTAig&s=19

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