ANC aims for decisive victory in 2024, says Mbalula

ANC will not need support in 2024 elections, says Mbalula as govt preps  coalitions concept | News24

The African National Congress (ANC) is aiming for a “decisive victory” in the 2024 general election, party secretary-general Fikile Mbalula said on Tuesday.

Mbalula made the remarks during a press briefing in Johannesburg, where he outlined the ANC’s preparations for the upcoming elections. He said the party is not in coalition talks with any other party and is confident that it can win the election outright.


“We are going to our people for an outright decisive majority,” Mbalula said. “It’s not a given. It’s something the ANC must earn, and [it] must win the people on its side to get a decisive majority.”

The ANC has been in power in South Africa since the end of apartheid in 1994. However, the party has faced increasing criticism in recent years for its handling of the economy and allegations of corruption.

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In the 2019 general election, the ANC won 57.5% of the vote, its lowest share of the vote since 1994. The party is now facing a strong challenge from the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA), which is hoping to win the 2024 election.

Mbalula said the ANC is aware of the challenges it faces, but is confident that it can overcome them. He said the party is working on a number of plans to improve the economy and fight corruption.

“We are not going to take the 2024 elections for granted,” Mbalula said. “We are going to work hard to win the hearts and minds of the South African people.”

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The ANC’s decision to aim for a “decisive victory” in 2024 is a sign that the party is taking the upcoming elections seriously. The party is aware that it is facing a strong challenge from the DA and is determined to remain in power.

It will be interesting to see how the ANC’s campaign progresses in the lead-up to the 2024 election. The party will need to address the concerns of the South African people if it wants to win a decisive victory.


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