“Hatujui Tutafanya Nini” Azimio Allies Say As They Claim Their Phones Have Been Hacked

"Hatujui Tutafanya Nini" Azimio Allies Say As They Claim Their Phones Have Been Hacked

Azimio allies on Friday evening cried foul, alleging that their phone has been hacked and they can’t even communicate with other people. In a statement one of the allies made, he said that he can’t even make any transactions using his mobile phone because of the issue that has compelled him to be offline.


“We don’t know what we will do as at this point we can’t communicate with our family members or even our coalition members as our mobile phones have been hacked by unknown people,” Azimio Ally said.

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Not only performing transactions and making calls, according to the Azimio allies, hackers have also gone ahead to hack their social media accounts, where they let out that they are unable to post memes on their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.They went on to add the point of saying that, presently, it has become impossible to inform Kenyans about Azimio’s plan scheduled for the edition.

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