Sunday, June 2, 2024
HomeNewsJUST IN: Azimio Releases a Statement Over Terror Attacks in Luo Nyanza...

JUST IN: Azimio Releases a Statement Over Terror Attacks in Luo Nyanza Region, Informs Ruto This

Following a alleged 72 hours terror attack in Luo Nyanza region, Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition’s leaders via minority leader in the national assembly Opiyo Wandayi released a statement.

According to the statement, the coalition is largely concerned and saddened at how kenyans are being brutalized by policemen who should be providing protection.

The coalition claims that police officers are being used to unleash terror attack on luo Nyanza residents.

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Sending a message to president William Ruto, the coalition informed him to respect the rule of law and human rights constitution saying he will regret his actions very soon.3dc4bc683ccc455caaf6d193c07983ea?quality=uhq&resize=720

This comes in line with Ruto’s camp claims that Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition has been arming Protestors to harm police officers during the anti-government demonstrations.

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Meanwhile, let us wait and see what happens next. Remember to Follow, Share and leave your opinion in the comment section below to stay updated on our news. Thank you for reading

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