Bungoma Leaders Urge Petitioners To Explore Other Avenues Of Conflict Resolution Apart From Courts

Bungoma Leaders Urge Petitioners To Explore Other Avenues Of Conflict Resolution Apart From Courts

Leaders in Bungoma county have called upon those who are dissatisfied with Governor Kenneth Lusaka’s service delivery to opt for more diplomatic means of solving issues instead of veering into frequent cases.


Speaking during the official swearing in of disputed Chief officers, Lusaka said cases had delayed the process for the whole year hence making it difficult for the people of Bungoma to get services.

The Bungoma Governor has proposed an amendment to the law so that every government can be instituting an entire new set of government officers after every election so that disruptions can be minimal.

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His sentiments were reiterated by Bungoma county assembly deputy majority leader Joan Kirong, Deputy Governor Jenifer Mbatiany and Kanduyi Mp John Makali who insisted that the court battles are a menace to the county leadership.

The chief officers who have been sworn in include Everlyn Teresa Wekesa of Public service and management, Reuben Wambwa Wafula of Trade and Simiyu Robert of Agriculture and irrigation.

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Governor Lusaka (center) during the swearing in of new county staff, source files.

Their swearing in had been stopped by the court to pave way for a case hearing of their predecessors who served in former Governor Wycliffe Wangamati administration.

They had been interdicted over alleged misconduct until the court recently upheld their interdiction and gave Lusaka a go ahead to swear in new Chief officers.

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