Ramaphosa And Cele Should Be Held Responsible For July Unrest. Survivor Voice Out

Ramaphosa And Cele Should Be Held Responsible For July Unrest. Survivor Voice Out

Ntethelelo Mkhize, a survivor of the July 2021 unrest in South Africa, has voiced his concerns and called for accountability from President Cyril Ramaphosa and Police Minister Bheki Cele regarding the events that unfolded. Mkhize alleges that both Ramaphosa and Cele were warned about the likelihood of the unrest but failed to take appropriate action.



The July 2021 unrest, which primarily occurred in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provinces, involved widespread looting, violence, and destruction of property. The unrest was triggered by the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, sparking protests that escalated into widespread chaos and criminal activities. The events had a significant impact on businesses, communities, and the overall stability of the affected areas.

According to Mkhize, who survived the unrest, there were warnings or indications prior to the outbreak of violence that should have alerted the government to the potential magnitude of the situation. He believes that President Cyril Ramaphosa and Police Minister Bheki Cele had received these warnings but chose not to take appropriate action.

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Mkhize’s call for accountability raises important questions about the government’s response and preparedness in dealing with the unrest. It emphasizes the need for leaders to be proactive in addressing potential threats to public safety and maintaining law and order.

Accountability in such situations is crucial for building trust and confidence in the government’s ability to protect its citizens and manage crises effectively. It is essential for leaders to address concerns and provide explanations regarding their decisions and actions, especially when there are allegations of negligence or failure to act on available information.

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As the public demands answers, it is expected that President Cyril Ramaphosa and Police Minister Bheki Cele will respond to the allegations raised by Mkhize. They may be required to explain their understanding of the warnings, the actions taken, and any factors that may have influenced their decision-making during the period leading up to the unrest.

The survivor’s perspective adds a firsthand account to the ongoing discussions and investigations surrounding the July 2021 unrest. It serves as a reminder of the importance of transparent communication, effective intelligence gathering, and proactive measures in preventing and mitigating large-scale disturbances.

Source: https://twitter.com/Newzroom405/status/1678102990815649793?t=jeUFkqm-G6_T_NLa35RDLQ&s=19

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