Mamkhize embracing the joy of having her family around her

Mamkhize embracing the joy of having her family around her




Mamkhize is a South African businesswoman and a reality TV star. She also owns a football club known as Royal AM which plays in the DSTV Premier Soccer League. She also has a reality TV show known as KwaMamkhize, in this show Mamkhize shows people some insights on her personal life.


Recently Mamkhize posted pictures of herself on social media and wrote a caption saying that with the school holidays in full effect, she has been embracing the joy of having her family around. It is clear to see that Mamkhize must really be enjoying having her family around her, as she also emphasized that.

She also said that she is making every moment count with her family. Surely when school open she won’t get time to spend with her family and want to just enjoy this moment she has with them.


Here are some of the comments that people on social media made after seeing these pictures that Mamkhize posted.



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