Are your hands making you look far older than you are? Tweakments expert Inge van Lotringen reveals the treatment which smooths unsightly veins and prevents bruising – and you don’t need surgery!

As your hands lose fat and bone with age, the veins will become visible, giving your hands a slightly 'witchy' appearance


I have always had prominent veins in my hands but they are really ugly now that I am in my 70s. Is there anything else that can be done besides vein surgery?

Inge van Lotringen answers: Definitely! As you age, you lose fat and bone mass in your hands, making your veins visible and giving your hands a slightly “witchy” look.

If you want to make them look softer, biostimulating fillers are a great and natural way to do it. Injected into the back of the hands, they replace the plump tissues you’ve lost, eliminating that grumpy look.

As your hands lose fat and bone with age, the veins will become visible, giving your hands a slightly ‘witchy’ appearance

But they go one step further: they contain ingredients that actively stimulate the production of collagen in your skin, as long as they remain in the skin, which can last up to 24 months.

During this time, your results will actually improve as your skin rejuvenates itself, becoming stronger and thicker, protecting you from any impact that can so easily bruise older skin.

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Ellansé (for clinics, search at has long been a popular biostimulating filler for this purpose, while the newest option that cosmetic physicians are raving about is the hybrid injectable HArmonyCa ( is one clinic nationwide that offers this).

For both treatments you should expect to pay around £600 outside London, and £1,000 and over in the South East.