Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeVideoGUESTS VIDEO: CCTV footage showed moment EFCC officials stole ATM cards after...

GUESTS VIDEO: CCTV footage showed moment EFCC officials stole ATM cards after they slapped a lady wearing her pyjamas in her room in Regional Annex hotel in Isashi ojo Lagos

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that CCTV footage showed moment EFCC officials stole ATM cards after they slapped a lady wearing her pyjama (night gown) in her room in Regional Annex hotel in Isashi ojo Lagos. (Read More Here).

EFCC officials slapped and assaulted female lodger in her room during raid at Annex and Regional hotels in Isashi ojo Lagos
In the trending video, EFCC officials shot sporadically at guests, injured innocent customers, and arrested lots of people.

The operatives who scared guests and residents by shooting sporadically in the air were alleged to have also assaulted guests of the hotel, disposing of their money, phones, and other valuables.

Many guests and customers at the hotel were allegedly inflicted with several degrees of injuries following the invasion of the hotel.



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