PHOTO: Woman, Sbahle Vethe, murdered with a knife by criminals in Harding

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that woman, Sbahle Vethe, murdered with a knife by criminals in Harding.

PHOTO: Woman, Sbahle Vethe, murdered with a knife by criminals in Harding 2

Information reads: “Abantu unembeza abanawo, losisi igama u Sbahle Vethe wase Harding kodwa obeqashe lapha eThekwini…uthe enesoka lakhe endlini nalo isoka elase Harding, bahlaselwa abantu… READ MORE HERE

“isoka balidubule ekhanda lashona… kodwa yena usisi bambulele ngesihluku sengathi bebesebenzisa ubhushu kuyena…. sengathi ingahamba kahle intokazi…ngisazama ukuthola isithombe sesoka.”

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