HomeNigeriaJanemena's Husband Responds After She Said She Doesn't Know Why Women Of...

Janemena’s Husband Responds After She Said She Doesn’t Know Why Women Of Her Age Have Kids

Janemena, a popular dancer, recently made a statement on her Instagram page expressing her confusion about why women of her age have children, as she still feels like a child herself. 061590d5fb774756a4b8a854859a6935?quality=uhq&resize=720Her husband, Janexplies, took notice of her post and responded playfully in the comments section. He asked her to delete the third slide of the pictures she shared because he has some beautiful ladies crushing on him, and he doesn’t want to “dull his shine.”

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The couple’s interaction on social media showcases their lighthearted and playful relationship. Janemena’s statement may have been a playful remark or a genuine expression of her thoughts, and her husband’s response appears to be teasing and in good spirits. Their exchange reflects the affectionate banter that can occur between couples, especially on social media platforms.

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As a talented dancer, Janemena has gained a substantial following on social media, contributing to her popularity. Her husband, Janexplies, seems to embrace her fame and enjoys engaging with her fans on her Instagram page. Their light-hearted interaction gives a glimpse into their happy and playful marriage.

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