Husband Kills Wife Over Argument

Husband Kills Wife Over Argument

In an unfortunate incident reported by Vanguard News, a woman named Janet from Furaka, Plateau State lost her life following a heated argument with her husband, Samson. The couple, who had a history of quarrels, had been facing marital issues since their early years of marriage. However, the dispute on the 4th and 5th of July, 2023 turned out to be fatal for Janet.


According to an undisclosed neighbor, Janet and Samson had two young children, with the youngest being less than a year old. The neighbor expressed deep sadness for Janet’s family, as she was the one who provided support and stability among her siblings. Losing her was a tremendous setback for the entire family.

It was revealed that Samson had a recurring habit of physically abusing Janet over trivial matters, causing her to shout for help from neighbors. On several occasions, Janet had even lost consciousness due to the seriousness of the beatings. At one point, the couple had received an eviction notice from their landlord, but Janet pleaded for them to stay.

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The neighbor, who witnessed the tragic events, shared details of the final incident. Late at night, Samson returned home intoxicated, as usual, and banged on the door. Janet, potentially due to fear or delay, did not open the door immediately, leading to an argument. The following morning, Janet dropped off their young daughter at school before returning home to prepare for work. It was during this time that she asked Samson for N500 as transportation fare, which he refused to provide, instructing her to borrow from someone else. This refusal sparked another argument, leading Samson to lock the door and physically assault Janet. Despite her cries for help, no one could intervene as they were unable to enter the locked room.

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The neighbor continued, noting uncertainty about whether Samson had forcefully pushed Janet, causing her head to hit something. When Janet’s voice ceased, they initially believed she had fainted again. However, upon realizing that she was unresponsive, concerned neighbors rushed to help, only to discover that she had tragically passed away.

Outraged by the devastating turn of events, the community members began to assault Samson. Some individuals quickly contacted the authorities, who promptly apprehended him. Despite attempts from Samson’s family to secure his release, the severity of the incident prevented any action from being taken. An anonymous source from the Nasarawa Gwong Police Station, where Samson was held, confirmed that immense pressure to release him existed, albeit futile given the gravity of the crime.

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