Wetangula To Lead 20-Member Team In Vetting Ruto’s Nominated CSs

Wetangula To Lead 20-Member Team In Vetting Ruto's Nominated CSs

The committee will be deputized by Deputy Speaker, Gladys Boss Shollei, with Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah also a member of the vetting team.

National Assembly Speaker, Moses Wetangula is set to spearhead a 20-member committee which will be tasked with grilling the 20 individuals nominated by President William Ruto for Cabinet Secretary positions.


The committee will be deputized by Deputy Speaker, Gladys Boss Shollei, with Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah also a member of the vetting team.

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The committee includes several Members of Parliament (MPs) from various constituencies. Among them are Abdi Shurie from Balambala, Anthony Kimani from Kikuyu, Robert Mbui from Kathiani, and Owen Baya from Kilifi North. Other members include David Kagira from Nakuru Town East, Rahab Mukami from Nyeri, Dido Raso from Saku, Gitonga Murugara from Tharaka, and Ferdinand Wanyonyi from Kwanza.

Additional MPs joining the committee are Mary Emaase from Teso South, Rahim Dawood from Imenti North, Junet Mohammed from Suna Eastleigh, Caleb Amisi from Saboti, Stephen Mule from Matungulu, Naisula Lesuuda from Samburu West, David Pkosing from Pokot South, and Mishi Mboko from Likoni.

Bird’s eye view of Parliament during a past session. /PARLIAMENT OF KENYA

“Notably, Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi, who was previously a member of the Committee, will not participate in the vetting process but will instead appear before the Committee for his vetting,” Wetangula said in a statement regarding Wandayi who will be among the nominees.

Wetangula further promised Kenyans that only qualified nominees would be approved, setting the tone for a grilling that will be expected to be more intense than the exercise carried out close to two years ago with Ruto’s dissolved Cabinet.

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“I have urged the Committee Members to prepare for extensive and meticulous scrutiny of the candidates, emphasizing strict adherence to legal frameworks, particularly Chapter 6 of the Constitution concerning leadership and integrity, to ensure the selection of the most qualified candidates for the positions,” he added.


The Clerk of the National Assembly on Thursday, July 25, released the vetting order for President William Ruto’s new cabinet nominees, running from Thursday, August 1 to Sunday, August 4. This will be a vigorous exercise that will see the committee members sacrifice their weekend to vet the CSs.

The committee is set to begin its work with the vetting of Kithure Kindiki, who has been reappointed as the Cabinet Secretary for Interior, and Soipan Tuya, who has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary for Defence. The vetting will take place at the Mini-Chamber, County Hall, Parliament Buildings from 8 am on August 1.

On the second day, August 2, 2024, the committee will vet Andrew Mwihia (Agriculture), Aden Duale (Environment), Eric Muuga (Water), Davis Chirchir (Transport) and Margaret Ndung’u (ICT)

On August 3, 2024, John Mbadi (Treasury), Salim Mvurya ( Trade), Rebecca Miano (Tourism), Opiyo Wandayi ( Energy) and Kipchumba Murkomen ( Sports) will appear before the committee.

On the fourth and last day August 4, 2024, the committee will vet Hassan Joho (Mining), Alfred Mutua (Labour), Wycliffe Oparanya (MSMEs), Justin Muturi (Public Service) and Stella Soi Lang’at (Gender).#

Don’t Like A CS Nominee?

Kenyans with reservations over the 20 Cabinet nominees have been advised to send a memorandum to the Clerk of the National Assembly by August 1.


President William Ruto speaks at State House, Nairobi on Friday, July 19, 2024. /PCS

“Now therefore, in compliance with Article 118(1)(b) of the Constitution and section 6(9) of the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act, 2011, the Clerk of the National Assembly hereby invites members of the public to submit any representations. They may have, by way of written statement on oath (affidavit) with supporting evidence contesting the suitability of any nominee proposed for appointment.

“The representations may be forwarded to the Clerk of the National Assembly, P.O. BOX 41842-00100, Nairobi: hand-delivered to the Office of the Clerk, Main Parliament Buildings, Nairobi, or emailed to [email protected] and [email protected],” read the notice in part.