South African Opposition Leader Says He Will Not Allow Raila’s Protests, Informs Him Details on Ruto

South African Opposition Leader Says He Will Not Allow Raila's Protests, Informs Him Details on Ruto

South African opposition party leader Julius Malema has called out Kenyan politician Raila Odinga to stop his anti-government protests in Kenya.


Malema believes that President William Ruto was democratically elected in the 2022 Presidential Elections and that Odinga should not try to undermine his government. Malema has previously acknowledged Ruto’s election victory and asked Odinga to accept defeat.

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He emphasized the importance of avoiding violence and maintaining peace for the sake of the country. Malema has criticized Odinga for not accepting election results and has urged him to choose a different leader.

Comrades, we want to make a call to Kenya, especially to comrade Raila Odinga. Stop doing what you are doing. Do not disrupt Kenya, we need peace in Kenya. President William Ruto was democratically elected in Kenya. I will not allow you to use the people of Kenya to to destabilise the peace of Kenya,” Malema said.

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