Raila’s Ally Sends a Warning to Malema For Mentioning Odinga’s Name, Informs Him What He Should Do

Raila's Ally Sends a Warning to Malema For Mentioning Odinga's Name, Informs Him What He Should Do

Raila’s ally Alinur Mohamed has reacted after South African opposition leader Julius Malema sent a message to Raila Odinga.


Malema said Raila’s protests are disrupting the peace of Kenya, and he will not allow that. He urged the ODM leader to accept William Ruto as the president of Kenya.


Alinur sent a tough warning to Malema, saying that he should not poke holes in Kenya’s politics. He urged Malema to be focused on the issues affecting the residents of South Africa.

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“We are warning Julius Malema to never mention Raila Odinga again in his desperate attempt to remain relevant. Malema is ignorant of the Kenyan politics and should not tell Kenyans what to do while for 10 years he has failed to do a single thing for South Africans apart from chewing billions of dollars he gets from the West to incite South Africans against the government. We know the speech he read was written by Kenya Kwanza, but let Malema know that Kenya is not South Africa. Julius Malema will never ever rule even in his village because he can not convince anyone or get the numbers. In South Africa, MPs elect the president. Malema has never and will never get numbers to elect him, and that’s why ANC will always rule. Julius Malema should focus on chewing donor funds and retire from politics, which he knows nothing about. @Julius_S_Malema”

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Content created and supplied by: @mochache (via Opera
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