Raila Resurfaces Again After Chaotic Entry to CBD – See Where He Is

Raila Resurfaces Again After Chaotic Entry to CBD - See Where He Is

The Azimio leader Raila Odinga has resurfaced again after a chaotic scene during his entry at the CBD. Raila Odinga is currently at Oginga Odinga Foundation and he is expected to make his way to Uhuru Park. The Azimio leader has been trying to ensure that the police are unable to track his moves.


Raila Odinga has today changed tack in demonstrations by ensuring that his people are organized into one place before going to demonstrations. Raila’s efforts to access CBD started experiencing trouble at Kamukunji grounds.

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Here is a link: https://twitter.com/Kenyans/status/1677301004851716096?t=GaUik8YE6hmOed9qALGWYg&s=19


Raila Odinga has addressed some of his supporters at Oginga Odinga Foundation and seemingly, he is using all manner of tactics to access Uhuru Park. Previous attempts to access Uhuru park through Uhuru Highway at the University of Nairobi were thwarted by police water cannons and teargas.

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Raila Odinga has vowed to push how supporters harder so that they can remove Ruto from power. He is firm that the cost of living is unbearable and Kenyans cannot continue to suffer under a government that they do not recognize as legitimate.

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