Maina Njenga goes to Mt. Kenya with Martha Karua and Jeremiah Kioni on Sunday for a church service

Maina Njenga goes to Mt. Kenya with Martha Karua and Jeremiah Kioni on Sunday for a church service

Jeremiah Kioni, the secretary-general of the Jubilee party, reportedly attended a church service in Mount Kenya today with a considerable number of officials from the Azimio Coalition, according to a message that was posted on the social media accounts of the Jubilee party.


Jeremiah Kioni’s fellow opposition members chose him not too long ago to take on the role of technical adviser for the opposing side of the opposition in the bipartisan negotiations. This selection came about not too long ago. Recent events led to the selection of these candidates. It hasn’t been more than a few days since the results of this election have been made public. There was a relatively little amount of time that passed between the election and the worship service that took place earlier today.

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At the ceremony, he was joined by Martha Karua, who is running for vice president alongside Raila Odinga, and Maina Njenga, who was a former leader of the cult. Both Martha Karua and Maina Njenga are candidates for president of Kenya. Raila Odinga’s political opponents include both Martha Karua and Maina Njenga respectively. Another candidate for the presidency of Kenya is Raila Odinga, who is running under the Nasa party.

This is taking place at a time when the Kenya Kwanzaa administration has continued to urge political opposition leaders in the country not to polarize the area and split it based on political concerns. They have urged these leaders not to do so. These leaders have been cautioned by the government not to take this action.

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The leaders of Kenya Kwanzaa have criticized the government of Kenya for their inability to address the issue of the people living on the Mountain with regards to the provision of milk, tea, coffee, and other essentials. This issue has been brought to the attention of the leaders. This matter has been brought to their attention by the Kenya Kwanzaa government in order for them to take the proper action.

Content created and supplied by: LegitNews (via Opera
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