Friday, July 19, 2024
HomeNewsDon’t Kill The Messenger: As Kenyan Media, We’re Tired Of Your Attacks

Don’t Kill The Messenger: As Kenyan Media, We’re Tired Of Your Attacks

This week, we #SpillTheTea on YOU! Yes, you who’s reading this who has been attacking our friends in the media this week…police officer, government official, blogger…even a member of the public. While we are simply doing our duty to keep YOU informed, educated and entertained. 24/7!

N.B: We did not take prisoners!

Hello and welcome to our 20th episode of ‘Spill The Tea’ where we are angry, we have had enough, and we ARE draining the swamp this week. End of.

On Episode 20:

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  1. Leave Us Alone- Kenyan Media [EDITORIAL]
  2. Mukuru’s Serial Killer With 42 Body Count
  3. Ford Foundation vs Ruto

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Leave Us Alone- Kenyan Media [EDITORIAL]

This week, darkness befell Kenya’s media space. We didn’t intend on penning another editorial, but because of the harrowing events from Tuesday till now, we had no choice.

N.B: We would like to caution our readers that the following we are about to state is brutal, and not for the faint-hearted.

It all began on Tuesday when in the midst of fresh anti-government protests, two of Citizen TV’s most prominent reporters, Seth Olale and Stephen Letoo, were BANNED from Parliament.

“Reliable sources within Parliament Kenya confirm that indeed I have been BANNED from Parliament alongside my colleague Stephen Letoo because of our role in highlighting #OccupyParliament. This reported move by PSC is ill-advised & against Media Freedom,” he wrote on X.

Letoo however stated that “Other than the relocation of Parliamentary Journalists to Outside Parliament, there is a resolution to BAN some journalists myself included who Covered #OccupyParliament from stepping into the new area. Seth Olale who exposed the MPs’ escape tunnel also banned.”

From face value, this looked like a solvable problem and we would all go back to our normal schedules, but what followed next on the same day would set the tone for the ENTIRE WEEK.

Catherine Wanjeri Kariuki, a K24 reporter based in Nakuru, was shot and injured by police officers while covering the ongoing anti-government protests in the city. Kariuki was in the company of a fellow journalist before she was shot three times in the thigh by police officers.


K24 journalist Wanjeri Kariuki is carried away by colleagues after sustaining a gunshot wound while covering anti-government protests in Nakuru on July 16, 2024. /THE STAR

After being rushed to hospital for treatment, Kariuki stated that she was targeted by police during the protests.

The Nakuru-based journalist was admitted at the Annex Hospital, with Thursday being her third day in hospital. Doctors stated that she is out of the woods after she was shot at by police four times; three rubber bullets were lodged in her body and one hit her.

Wanjeri gave an account of Tuesday’s protests in Nakuru and claimed that police officers had singled her out, as this was not an isolated case.

“Nobody would convince me that I was not a target, I had been hit with a tear gas canister but I did not report, I did not even escalate it, I showed my colleagues the scar on the same leg that I was shot at,” narrated the journalist.

Moments before she was shot, Wanjeri was captured giving a police officer who was seated in a police vehicle toothpaste, which she believed would help her ease the effects of tear gas. What followed was an officer in a police vehicle who shot at her; the bullets struck her in the thigh.

The following day, a moment of madness ensued when police, instead of arresting one Francis Gaitho, went for veteran journalist and former Nation Media editor Macharia Gaitho, in a case of mistaken identity as narrated by the National Police Service (NPS) BUT:

“They did not explain how it was a mistaken identity. They did not explain how they could have trailed me near my home. As far as I am concerned, those are still criminals,” Gaitho faulted the police’s subsequent clarification of the arrest.

“They brought me back to Karen Police Station where they had abducted me in the first place and they went away. They were telling me now I could go home but I said no. First, I will report an attempted abduction, this is a criminal offence. I have already recorded an incident, reported a crime and it is in the occurrence book.”

You would think the madness against the media would be over after that, then the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), under Director General David Mugonyi, who previously served as the Head of the Presidential Communication Service (PCS), entered the chat, accusing a majority of the mainstream Kenyan media stations of going overboard and violating the confines within which media practitioners are expected to remain.

It threatened to take decisive action on mainstream as well as digital media platforms found to have broadcast content against the laws of the Constitution, targeting their coverage of the anti-government protests…a direct attack on press freedoms by far!

To make matters worse, a section of Kenyans began targeting individual media stations and companies, most prominently the Royal Media Services (RMS) which owns Citizen TV. This is after reports surfaced on social media that unknown individuals were planning to ‘occupy’ the media house…which is another language for threatening, and planning to attack the media house.

The last one has GROSSLY offended us, that’s why we’re issuing this editorial. Here’s why: the media house did run a news bulletin on October 12, 2023 of a suspected security threat which saw a Kenya Airways flight bound for London Heathrow from Nairobi intercepted by the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF).

Photos that you will see below feature our watermark being visible on screengrabs of the news bulletin, which our hawk-eyes managed to catch:

Original Photo Collage

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Collage From Citizen TV screenshots

We’d like to state that we DID NOT HAVE any issue with the country’s biggest TV station highlighting a bit of our watermarked photos…as a matter of fact, this is a WIN for us!

Not only does it show our testament to deliver quality journalism in real-time but also offers a hint that media collaborations/partnerships in our country are still possible. Do it, someone’s watching.

So when a keyboard warrior thinks they can threaten and plan to attack Citizen TV, they threaten/attack all of us! The targeting and attacks on journalists are therefore UNACCEPTABLE and MUST be condemned, and punished in the greatest form possible!

To the government of the day, we are not those children that you pick on as a bully in primary or high school…this upcoming media house for example started a year before you were elected into power.

The media has been in existence and has been through all four regimes…and almost a half if you count this one. So messing with us is the greatest mistake you can make. Trust us, we are worse than the Gen Zs who are like “we are not your parents, we will mess you up”.

When we get reports of journalists under attack while on duty…protests or otherwise, sometimes we feel like slamming our laptop shut and march towards all those offices of authorities that are supposed to take action and give them a piece of our mind. We have been here before…in 2023 it was the same story, but the media bodies and the rest of us condemned and kept quiet.

Not anymore.

“We have got to a point that we will now issue a 7-day notice if no action is taken against those responsible. We will not need to go on the field because it seems like that is the language that the government understands. It has got to a point that I have no idea what is being hidden when we try to explain to Kenyans what is going on, what are they fearing?” Kenya Editors Guild (KEG) President Zubeida Kananu communicated the fury on behalf of all of us media folk; journalists, editors, media executives, media owners etc.

A nationwide protest for journalists is since planned for Wednesday next week but we felt it wise first to express our words on the matter here.

Media serves as a crucial platform for holding the government of the day accountable to members of the public. All the media stations you see here are run by human beings who are prone to error because they’re human…not machines, so give us a break!

Second, it is wrong to habitually target journalists. No government, institution or any entity has ever managed to silence them…not even social media platforms.

Without the media, you wouldn’t hear about the numerous scandals in government including the fake fertilizer scandal, would you?

Without us, you wouldn’t have heard it first about the shutdown of Look Up TV after six years, would you?

Without us, you wouldn’t have heard about the Shakahola Massacre, would you?

Article 34 of the Constitution guarantees freedom of the media. Media freedom is non negotiable and interfering with such freedom is basically breaking the law. The same rule of law the President promised to uphold.

First, they teargassed our journalists. Then, they shot at our journalists. This week, they abducted our journalists. What will they do to our journalists tomorrow?

Journalists operate under very difficult conditions, including digital journalists who log on to and monitor social media platforms to source for story ideas, at times encountering gruesome imagery shared online and using various online tech to supplement our work…all that btw on a monthly internet connection charged at less than Ksh2,000 a month, and with just a laptop and power connection. That’s it!

Field reporters have it much worse, going to tough environments to cover stories, including in real-time. Encountering hostile crowds at times. Interacting with newsmakers from politicians to CEOs to sportspersons, celebrites etc…and then go back home to rented single rooms, bedsitters or one-bedroom. Our profession, depending on the position, is not as moneyed as you think right now.

You may not agree with what we air or publish on a daily but our right to do so MUST be respected. Those paid on social media for example to target a media house and mobilise the masses to attack that media house belong in the same category as some politicians who have been in the headlines for the wrong reasons, for incitement.

Any police officer, uniform or plain-clothed who attacks a journalist is the same as a weak man. When does this all stop? When will the media be respected in this country?

Other than the now-obvious hazards, we’d like to also call out the bloggers. On Thursday, one prominent one attempted a smear campaign targeted at John-Allan Namu , one of the most respected journalists of our time. The very same blogger Kenyans worshipped when he first broke the news of the helicopter crash that killed former Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Francis Ogolla…hours before the President officially announced this to the nation.

John Allan Namu is the brains behind Africa Uncensored , a media house that blew the lid open regarding the fake fertiliser scandal. So to try to smear such a journalist because the media house benefited from a grant courtesy of a foundation which was recently mentioned by the President is an act of madness!

Since the anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests began, journalism has been the most DISRESPECTED institution in the whole country. Everyone ranging from police to lawyers, Kenyans, government officials attacking us offline and online, trying to gag us and what not and dividing us from the public…and it’s even worse, journalists are dividing each other too.

We put our mental health and our lives on the line to give you real-time updates but what do we get? Mudslinging and dictating what to report, no thank yous at all. This MUST STOP!

STOP trying to gag us, dictate us what news to disseminate, attack us on the field, shoot at us, threaten us, attack us or, God forbid, kill us. However, some will choose to ignore this and continue to torment us anyway…they’re not afraid to rattle the Constitution of Kenya.

STOP trying to incite Kenyans against us through social media platforms, using bloggers and influencers who either don’t know, don’t want to know or don’t care about ethics. Please don’t try to pick on us when you see this, we will call you out in public and spread the word that you did…without fear or favour.

Right now, all we need is your support. We are NOT in bed with the government, most of us are independent. So, pitch to us all those story ideas about scandals in government, in the entertainment space, in sports etc for consideration…pitch those feel good stories too. We may not consider all of them but we will run some on our platforms to the best of our capability.

Our founder and editor-in-chief, Marvin Chege , talked about supporting upcoming media houses like ourselves, extensively. We are the new guard that aims to sit in the table alongside the adaptable old guard and we will be here for a very long time into the future.

But if you don’t support us, what’s the need to be here? We can always close shop and move on, watch as you rely on social media to keep you updated, even if A and B is unverified.

A little caveat: we are ethically BOLDER than some of the other mainstream media channels and publish content that sometimes, you won’t get anywhere else, another good reason to support us. If it ain’t from Viral Tea Ke , the kings of viral news, it’s not news.

Mukuru’s Serial Killer With 42 Body Count

A shocking discovery was made on Friday, July 12 at Kware Dumpsite after the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) unearthed six bodies mutilated and decomposing.

In a short four days since, the authorities tracked down Collins Jomaisi Khalisia, the main suspect in the killing, who confessed to hacking 42 women to death, making his case the most problematic in Kenya’s crime history.

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The suspect, Collins Jomaisi Khalisia, arrested over Mukuru killings (left) and onlookers at Kware Dumpsite. /DCI.PHOTO

Here’s why:

Clashing Numbers

DCI reported that it had unearthed six bodies even though private players participating in the excavation reported more 10 bodies. The dismembered bodies were found wrapped in nylon and tied with ropes.

Soon after, DCI Director Mohamed Amin announced that investigations into the incident was launched to last 21 days and bring closure to the families of the deceased. A group of youth raised the alarm after spotting a single body.

The Reactions

DPP: Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Renson Mulele Ingonga directed the police bodies including the DCI and the National Police Service (NPS) to expedite investigations into the discovery of the bodies. DCI was directed to submit a detailed report in 21 days.

Raila Odinga: “It’s a sad and dark moment for Kenya, what we have witnessed in Mukuru Kwa Njenga, pains me deeply,” he stated, demanding a thorough probe to the discovery.

President William Ruto directed that “Those who are charged with investigating the matter witnessed in Kware where many Kenyans including young women must be found, that process must be expedited and the truth must be found so that those who are involved in this heinous act must be punished and must be taken to court and the law must be applied to its fullest extent.”

Rachel Ruto, who broke her social media silence for the first time in nearly a month, condemned the shocking events that witnessed close to 15 bodies recovered from the dumpsite in the space of 24 hours, with reports emerging that most of the recovered bodies were female. She said “The discovery of the mutilated bodies of young women dumped in Kware, Nairobi, is deeply disturbing and heartbreaking. Each of these women was someone’s child, sister or friend and no one should undergo such cruelty. Violence against women must end in our country.”

Transfer & Possible Angles

Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Mohamed Amin on Sunday, July 14 revealed that his agency probing the mystery of the Kware dumpsite bodies recovery had explored three possible angles; either instances of cults, serial killers or rogue medical practitioners.

“The modus operandi was almost the same. If you look at the age, it was between 18-30. These are all female. If you look at how the bodies have been disguised and packaged – all the same,” the  DCI boss stated.

“Are we dealing with a cult that is associated with criminal activities? Are we dealing with serial killers that are also associated with criminal activities? Or even, could we be dealing with rogue medical practitioners who are dealing with criminal activities? All these are hypotheses we have tried to bring on board.”

At the same time, Acting Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja announced the transfer of all police officers based at Kware Police Station.

“To ensure fair and unbiased investigations, I have moved the officers from Kware Police Station. In this difficult time, we stand with the community and we remain committed to uncovering the truth and bringing those responsible to justice,” he announced.

The Arrest: How It Unfolded

On Monday, Amin confirmed the arrest of Collins Jumaisi Khalusha. The 33-year-old was arrested in the morning hours at Soweto in Kayole Sub-County at around 3 am in a joint operation by the DCI Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau and Operations directorates.

He was revealed to have been at a club where he had gone to watch the Euro 2024 football finals between Spain and England when the detectives outside the premises accosted him.

His pursuit and subsequent arrest followed forensic analysis of a mobile phone belonging to one of the victims, Josphine Mulongo Owino, where mobile money transactions conducted on the day she went missing pointed to the suspect.

“Upon his arrest, the suspect led officers to his single-room rented house in Kware, which is located about 100m from the crime scene where the bodies and body parts have been recovered,” read the statement in part.

A quick search was conducted in the house, which led to the recovery of the following crucial exhibits:

1. 24 SIM cardholders with new SIM cards

2. 8 smartphones, two feature phones

3. One Laptop and one hard drive

4. Two flash drives and one phone memory card

5. One Machete

6. 12 Nylon Sacks

7. One pair of industrial rubber gloves

8. 6 ID cards for men and 2 ID cards for women

9. One pink female handbag

10. 2 female panties

11. 5 rolls of bhang

12. 4 huge clear sellotape

13. One nylon rope

14. One reflector Jacket

15. 2 title deeds

16. 2 notebooks

17. Assorted documents

On interrogation, the suspect confessed to having lured, killed, and disposed of 42 female bodies at the dumping site, all murdered between 2022 and Thursday, July 11, 2024.

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Some of the exhibits recovered by DCI detectives from Collins Jumaisi Khalusha, the main suspect in the heinous Kware killings. /DCI

“The suspect alleges that his first victim was his wife namely Imelda Judith Khalenya whom he strangled to death before dismembering her body and disposing it at the site,” added Amin.

He Was What?

At the Makadara Law Courts, Khalusha, through defence lawyer John Maina Ndegwa, asserted that he was subjected to extreme forms of torture, compelling him to confess to crimes he vehemently denied.

Speaking before the courts, Ndegwa pleaded for urgent medical care for Khalusha, highlighting the urgent need for attention due to his alleged maltreatment while in custody. “My client is in dire need of urgent medical attention,” he declared.

The attorney dismissed the notion that Khalusha could be behind such brutal acts, labelling the confession “laughable” and “alien” to his client’s character.

Ndegwa’s impassioned plea painted a chilling picture of Khalusha’s ordeal, claiming he has endured “horrendous inhuman mistreatment” during his time in custody, raising serious concerns about the methods employed during the interrogation process.

However, the DCI denied these allegations, insisting that only a single police officer was assigned to record Khalusha’s statements. The court nonetheless granted the investigators 30 days custodial orders to complete their investigations.

More Suspects Nabbed

DCI arrested two other persons who are serving as individuals of interest to assist in the ongoing investigation.

They included one Amos Momanyi Mogusu who was found with the mobile phone belonging to the slain Roselyn Akoth, and Moses Ogembo who sold the handset to Momanyi.

“Upon arrest of Amos Momanyi Mogusu at City Cabanas and recovery of the mobile phone yesterday, he led detectives to Ogembo’s house at Mukuru kwa Reuben, who was found with a total of 154 used mobile phones stashed in his house. Moses Ogembo has admitted to having been sold used phones previously by the prime suspect in the murder,” added the DCI.

What Next?

DCI is determined to conclude investigations in 21 days and arrest more individuals believed to be co-conspirators in the macabre murders. The agency, therefore, appealed to individuals with more information to volunteer.

Ford Foundation vs Ruto

A Recap

In March this year, the US-based Ford Foundation announced two Kenyans among its international 26-member 2024 Ford Global Fellowship cohort, that is, Ashura Michael and Willie Oeba.

The fellowship is a program which aims to connect and support the next generation of leaders from around the world who are advancing innovative solutions to end inequality.

“The Ford Global Fellowship focuses on shared learning across issue areas, building and strengthening connections across borders, and developing a supportive, interconnected cohort from across a wide variety of sectors and regions. It aims to build a powerful network of 240 fellows over the course of the program and serve as a catalyst for the fellows to accelerate the impact of their work, individually and collectively,” a press release that had announced the duo read in part.

Michael was picked owing to her role as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Free a Girl’s World Network while Oeba was selected in his capacity as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ISM Academy.

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Free a Girl’s World Network CEO Ashura Michael (left) and ISM Academy CEO Willie Oeba (right). /VIRAL TEA KE

According to the foundation, each new fellow received a no-strings-attached Ksh3.31 million ($25,000) stipend, alongside individualized coaching, to help grow leadership skills and reach new audiences.

And then…President William Ruto happened!

You Funded Protests- Ruto To Ford Foundation

He pointed a bold accusing finger at the Ford Foundation, an American private foundation with the stated goal of advancing human welfare, of financing the recent anti-government protests in Kenya.

While addressing residents at Keringet Market in Nakuru County, Ruto threw a stern warning in his bid to restore peace in Kenya and proceeded to allege that some parties were financially benefiting from the protests.

“Those who are sponsoring the violence, we know them and I want to call out those who are behind the anarchy in Kenya, those who are behind the sponsoring, the chaos in the Republic of Kenya, shame on them because they are sponsoring violence against our democratic nation,” Ruto stated.

Ruto went on to sensationally claim that the organisation held sinister motives and was operating against the best interests and the democracy of the country.

“I want to ask the people at the Ford Foundation what benefit do they gain from giving out money to cause violence?” Ruto questioned.

Ruto warned that the government will ask the Ford Foundation to leave the country if they continue sponsoring the protests.

“We are going to call them out and we are going to tell them if they are not interested in democracy in Kenya. if they are going to sponsor violence and anarchy, we are going to tell them they either style up or they leave,” President Ruto added.

Not A First

On Wednesday, July 10, the Head of State accused some foreign powers and Kenyans abroad of using the Gen Z-led demonstrations to force him out of power.

He also claimed that some unidentified individuals were running schemes aimed at discrediting his reputation and causing a new kind of division in the country, one not involving tribal lines.

This is as reports emerged that the police are investigating six politicians, two Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and a businessman believed to be financing the protests.

The suspects were accused of financing some protesters, mobilizing youth from slum areas, giving them cash handouts, directing them to infiltrate the peaceful protests and turn them violent.

They were also accused of providing transport to the protestors to the epicentres of the anti-government demos.

Umm…No We Did Not- Ford Foundation Responds To Ruto

The Foundation however denied ‘sponsoring’ violence during the recent anti-government protests, as alleged by President Ruto.

In a statement shared online late on Monday night, July 15, the organisation reiterated that since 1963, it has had a rich history of commitment to ensuring the independence of East Africa’s democratic institutions, which includes its support for civil servants and technical experts who helped establish an independent Kenya.

The foundation went on to remind President Ruto that it had offered its support for the Africa Climate Summit in 2023, which he hosted in Nairobi and which brought together world leaders.

“We retain an ongoing commitment to supporting work in support of Kenya’s development and Kenya’s leadership on an African and global stage, exemplified by our support for the inaugural African Climate Summit held in 2023 in Nairobi and Kenya’s current leadership as co-chair of the Open Government Partnership,” read the statement in part.

The United States (US)-based foundation further condemned any actions or speech that have the potential to spread hate or incite violence against any sector ranging from individual to community.

“While we acknowledge the right of Kenyans to peacefully advocate for a just and equitable country, we repudiate any actions or speech that are hateful or advocate violence against any institution, individual, or community.

“We do not fund or sponsor the recent protests against the finance bill and have a strictly non-partisan policy for all of our grantmaking,” it asserted.

In another reminder, the Ford Foundation also reminded the Kenyan President that “As we noted during the Kenyan state visit to the United States this past May, we are committed to building on the legacy of the Ford Foundation’s more than 60 years in the region so that Kenyans can unlock opportunities that extend to all.”

Ford Foundation In A Nutshell

The Ford Foundation makes grants through its headquarters and 10 international field offices. It has had operations in Kenya and the larger East Africa region for decades, with its Nairobi office opened in 1963.

As of now, it has grown to become one of the world’s top philanthropic organisations with operations in 11 regions across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and North America.

Prominently known for its grants, the Ford Foundation credits itself with having helped establish the University of Nairobi in 1963 and giving significant grants to universities in Eastern Africa “to invest in the region’s future.”

It has also been at the forefront of advocating for civic justice to protect social justice activists, artists, and marginalised groups.

Read more: Ford Foundation: US Company Ruto Accused Of Funding Anti-Govt Protests

Here are other stories we served for you this week:

  1. President William Ruto on Monday, July 15 announced the return of Kazi Mtaani, a programme he disbanded two years ago after it was started by his predecessor, Uhuru Kenyatta.
  2. President Ruto also announced that fresh negotiations had begun with Remotasks, an international online tasking platform which thousands of Kenyans had relied on for earning an income to support their livelihoods so that operations can resume in the country.
  3. Nakuru Doctor and law student, Dr Magare Gikenyi, moved to court to challenge the dismissal of Attorney-General Justin Muturi by President Ruto. Muturi was among those dismissed by the Head of State who announced the dissolution of the entire Cabinet, a move that saw 21 Cabinet Secretaries sent home on the spot on Thursday, July 11.
  4. On that note on CSs, President Ruto assigned Prime Cabinet Secretary (CS) Musalia Mudavadi the responsibility of the acting Cabinet Secretary in all 21 ministries.
  5. The National Police Service announced that it banned protests in the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) and its environs, which were meant to take place on July 18. However, the High Court issued a conservatory order suspending the directive.
  6. Despite President William Ruto’s stunning decision to dissolve his entire Cabinet and send home 21 Cabinet Secretaries (CS), except Musalia Mudavadi, a majority of Kenyans now believe that three of them should be reappointed to the Head of State’s new-look Cabinet, according to a report released by Trends and Insights For Africa (TIFA). Click here to read who those three ex-CSs are.
  7. As Patrick Quarcoo prepares to exit as Radio Africa Group (RAG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and founder, the media house has announced potential staff firings, possibly the last action he is expected to take before his retirement later this month. However, though the exercise is set to target mainly correspondents, it is yet to be clear if the exercise in the media conglomerate famous for huge radio brands such as Kiss 100 FM, Radio Jambo, Smooth 105.5 and Classic 105 among others, could target its employees, who operate from its offices at Lions Place along Waiyaki Way.
  8. Government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura on Thursday, July 18 threw a significant plot twist in the exit of Japhet Koome as the Inspector General of Police. Speaking during a press briefing, Mwaura stated that President William Ruto had to let go of the police boss, contrary to State House’s announcement that the Head of State had accepted Koome’s resignation.
  9. Situational Awareness: The Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) has warned Kenyans against the purchase and use of Ozempic Pens (Semaglutide) to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This is after it had received an alert from the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) regarding the falsification of Ozempic Pens (Semaglutide) where Apidra Solostar pens (glulisine) used to treat both types 1 and type 2 diabetes has been falsely relabelled as Ozempic (Semaglutide) Pens.
  10. Francis Ng’ang’a Gaitho, a controversial politician and social media influencer, was on Thursday, July 18 charged with False Publications and Cyber Harassment. Gaitho was arrested on July 17, 2024, and faced charges of false publications contrary to Section 22(1) of the Computer Misuse and Cyber Crimes Act No. 5 of 2018, and Cyber Harassment Contrary to Section 27(1)(a) of the same Act.

Photo Of The Week

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A woman looking at a police officer during anti-government demonstrations. /STEPHEN LETOO

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READ ALSO  PROTESTER PHOTO: JKUAT Maths and Computer Science graduate, David Chege, shot dead outside Parliament buildings while lying on cold tarmac during Reject Finance Bill 2024 in Kenya protest while holding Kenyan flag
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