Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeNewsDid You Consult Them? Why Nairobi Cat Owners Could Join Gen Z...

Did You Consult Them? Why Nairobi Cat Owners Could Join Gen Z In Protests

Cat owners in Nairobi are now calling for ‘Maandameowno’ after we lifted the lid on a new ‘cat tax’ proposed by the Nairobi County government. Public participation is coming, however

Plus, we #SpillTheTea on Martha Karua’s last sentiments before announcing that she cut ties with Azimio la Umoja

Welcome to a ‘purring’ episode of Spill The Tea where the Nairobi County government has this week angered cat owners!

Plus, we are gathered here to mourn the demise of the controversial Finance Bill 2024…and President William Ruto’s winning over the opposition in his quest for a broad-based government has claimed a major casualty.

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On Episode 21:

  1. Nairobi Govt Proposing CAT-astrophe In Form Of Mandatory Licences
  2. Finance Bill 2024 (Born May 12, Died Jul 25)
  3. Ruto Woos Raila Allies With Cabinet Slots
  4. Martha Karua Dumps Azimio

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Nairobi Govt Proposing CAT-astrophe In Form Of Mandatory Licences

(angry cat hisses, screams and lunges)

I showed my cat the story that was published on the website. We first broke the news that the Nairobi County government proposed to impose mandatory licences on cat owners, making them pay Ksh200 for every cat they own!

I obtained a digital copy of proposals contained in the Nairobi City County Animal Control and Welfare Bill 2024 introduced in the Nairobi City County Assembly which addresses various aspects of animal care, control, and welfare, aiming to create a harmonious coexistence between residents and animals.

The bill, which is set to come into effect upon approval by Governor Johnson Sakaja, is set to undergo public participation on August 2.

Among the key sections of the Bill touch on the welfare and control of cats, with proposals seeking to make it more difficult for anyone to just own a cat. In one of them, a person will not be able to keep or have in his possession within the City any cat unless a license under the Bill has been first obtained in respect of that cat and the applicable fee paid.

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Image of a cat. /REDDIT

A license for a cat may only be issued or renewed under the Bill if the applicant makes an application to the County Government and provides proof that the owner has premises fit to control the cat.

The Bill also proposes that every cat in the capital city aged over three months shall be vaccinated against rabies by a veterinary surgeon at least once a year and a vaccination certificate issued by the veterinary surgeon which shall be retained by the owner at all times.

“Every cat license issued under this Bill, unless cancelled under the provisions of this Bill, shall expire on the thirty-first (31) day of December next following the date on which the license is issued and shall be valid only in respect of the cat for which it was issued,” the Bill reads in part.

The County government further proposed that a cat license fee shall be Ksh200 and shall be subjected to revision in the current Finance Act and shall become due upon the issue or renewal of a license.

For cases of replacement of a cat license, a replacement license or license tag may be issued upon payment of the fee of Ksh100 or as specified in the current Finance Act, when; written evidence has been adduced to the Head of County Veterinary Services that the original license has been lost, destroyed or stolen, or a valid license for the cat has been issued in another jurisdiction and the license and receipt are surrendered to the County Government.

Furthermore, one license shall be issued free of charge for a cat which has been neutered during the twelve months immediately preceding the application for the license subject to the owner providing a copy of a certificate from the veterinary surgeon that the cat has been neutered.

“If the ownership of a licensed cat changes hands, the new owner may be issued a new license by the Head of County Veterinary Services upon payment of the transfer fee of Ksh100 or as specified in the current Finance Act,” adds the Bill.

“Provided that the license issued to the previous owner of a cat shall be surrendered to the County Government when a new one is issued. The County Government may waive the license fees for a cat at its discretion.”

The Head of County Veterinary Services shall keep a record of the name and address of the owner of every cat licensed under the provisions of the proposed Bill, the date the license was issued, a description of the cat, and the amount of fees paid.

The Furr-ious Reactions

When we shared a news graphic on this on Instagram, we never thought we’d get so many reactions. At over 126,000 impressions, this is one of our most engaged platforms. Check it out here

Anywho, from the comments, Kenyans who are ardent cat owners were infuriated, with a section of them threatening to call for protests as cat owners in Nairobi, christened ‘meowndamano’. Let’s sample some below:

Naomi Mutua (Cat Lovers Kenya Facebook Page)

OK. I’ve read the proposed #AnimalWelfareBill

I already have some questions.

Mostly around

✓ the licensing, structure and fees

✓ rabies vaccines at 3 months?

✓ limitations to how many cats one can have ????????

✓ agricultural zones for kennels

✓ more than four cats except for ‘purebreds’ TF is that discriminatory sh*t, aren’t local cats good enough? ????

✓ not cause a cat to scream. These folks need to meet a cat yowling at another one just because. Also, who tells a cat what to do or not to do?

Muthoni Wakinaniri

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Faith Njoki: Tuandamane, it’s costly to have them vaccinated, spayed and neutered, food is expensive. If they are taxing us to take care of strays and help the animal shelters I will do it without question, but tacing us to put them in their pockets is where I draw the line.

Jane Molly

We have given homeless cats homes, and now you want to tax us for that, do you have homes for them tuwalete ama you want them to keep roaming out in the cold with no shelter or guaranteed meals?

Then you guys keep asking why Genz are not listening or doesn’t want to talk to you guys, most of us if not all Kenyans are tired, Kila mtu amechoka na nyinyi malizeni muende.

Myself: Cat owners tunaoccupy CBD lini?

Patience Nangila: Now this, is what we call a cat-astrophe

Nairobi Feline Sanctuary

Nairobi County has proposed a new regulation requiring cat owners to pay 200/- for keeping a cat. While this fee might seem manageable to some, it poses a significant burden to many cat owners who may struggle to afford it.

What does this mean for our beloved feline friends?

Unfortunately, This fee could lead to an increase in the abandonment of cats, as owners who cannot pay may feel forced to give up their pets. The result? A surge in stray cats roaming our streets brings numerous challenges including:

– Overpopulation: More stray cats mean increased breeding, leading to a greater population that can overwhelm our neighbourhoods.

– Animal Welfare: Stray cats often face harsh conditions and lack of food and medical care, leading to suffering and disease.

– Community Impact: An influx of stray cats can affect public health and sanitation, as well as the cats’ well-being.

We believe there’s a better way!

Animal Welfare Groups in Kenya are calling on Nairobi County to reconsider this proposal. Instead of imposing a fee that could harm our feline friends and our communities, let’s explore more humane solutions, such as:

– Support for Spay and Neuter Programs: These programs can help control the cat population humanely.

– Education and Awareness: Informing the public about responsible pet ownership and the importance of caring for their pets.

– Community Support: Providing resources and support to cat owners who may be struggling financially.

Join us in making a difference!

Solution: The Nairobi County government may have to reconsider such a proposal given the intense criticism it has incurred, and following the public participation set to take place on August 2, 2024.

My cat has purred now.

Finance Bill 2024 (Born May 12, Died Jul 25)


More than two months ago, the Finance Bill 2024 was introduced to members of the public, on a weekend.

The proposed amendments were likely to impact a wide array of products and services, potentially reshaping consumer spending patterns across the country and forcing Kenyans to rethink their budgets.

Some of the proposals that attracted intense uproar included the Motor Vehicle Tax, pegged at 2.5 per cent of the value of the vehicle and was to not be less than Ksh5,000 and not be more than Ksh100,000, with other factors coming into play including the make, model, engine capacity and year of manufacture.

Another proposal threatened the increase in the price of bread, with the Treasury proposing to impose a 16 per cent VAT on the product, a matter which will force bakers to raise the costs of the staple product.

Other proposals threatened increases in the cost of airtime, mobile money transfers, wines and spirits, VAT on mosquito repellents, tea packaging material, foliar feeds and bio-stimulants as well as agricultural pest control products.


On July 25, 2024, following intense protests which forced President Ruto to decline to sign the Finance Bill, members of Kenya’s National Assembly voted to delete it in its entirety.

The lawmakers voted to delete all 69 clauses of the controversial bill. This followed a Committee of the Whole House which voted in agreement with President Ruto’s reservations and recommendations to delete all clauses.

They include clauses 2-26 relating to the Income Tax Act (Cap 470), clauses 27-35 relating to the Value Added Tax Act and clauses 36-42 relating to the Excise Duty Act.

Other clauses deleted included (43-49) relating to the Miscellaneous Fees and Levies Act, clauses (50-62) relating to the Tax Procedures Act and clauses (63-69) relating to the Miscellaneous Act.

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A bird’s eye view of Parliament as of June 6, 2024. /PARLIAMENT OF KENYA

“I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole House has considered the President’s recommendations to the Finance Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 30 of 2024) and its approval thereof, without amendments. Therefore, deleting all clauses of the Bill,” National Assembly Deputy Speaker, Gladys Shollei announced.

Following this, none of the clauses proposed in the Bill which ultimately triggered nationwide protests, shall have legal effect.

“The House has voted in agreement with the President’s reservations and recommendations to delete all clauses of the Finance Bill 2024. Following this decision the Bill has been rejected in its entirety.

“I wish to clarify that the import of the decision of the House is that the Bill is lost… In this regard strictly speaking there is no Bill for the Speaker to present to the President for assent as contemplated under Article 115(5) of the Constitution. To signify the decision that the House has taken on the Bill I shall only convey the effect of the decision which is that the Finance Bill 2024 has been rejected. The House is accordingly guided,” the Speaker, Moses Wetangula, communicated to the House.

Any move to negate the deletion of all 69 clauses would have required the support of at least 233 members, that is, a two-thirds majority.

Ruto Woos Raila Allies With Cabinet Slots

His deputy, Rigathi Gachagua ‘set traps at State House’, in his own words, and vowed that he would never bring confusion in their shareholder government.

He said he would never entertain a handshake with the opposition…whom he beat in the 2022 general elections.

But if you thought nominating Soipan Tuya as Cabinet Secretary for Defence was surprising enough, President William Ruto did what was thought impossible two years ago and nominated not one…not two..but FOUR members of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) to his Cabinet. Yes, FOUR!

The Head of State while addressing the press at State House in Nairobi on Wednesday, July 24, nominated ODM’s John Mbadi (Treasury), Opiyo Wandayi (Energy and Petroleum) Ali Hassan Joho to Mining and Wycliffe Oparanya to the Ministry of Co-operatives.

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Full list of President Ruto’s Cabinet nominees (part 1)

It came as a surprise to many given that the ODM party had earlier stated that its members would not accept any ministerial appointments from President Ruto.

“A narrative has been woven that ODM is desperate to join the government when all along we have been clear that what we seek is a national conversation preceded by the creation of the necessary environment through the implementation of the conditions above.

“Some of our members have also fallen for the campaign of lies and misinterpreted our stance as a license to engage the Kenya Kwanza leadership and canvass for ministerial and/or other positions in the Ruto government,” read a statement in part from the party on Tuesday, July 23.

In the new lineup, ODM Chairman John Mbadi will be in charge of the nation’s public coffers, a docket largely responsible for the recent nationwide protests, while deputy party leaders Joho and Oparanya will be in charge of Mining and Cooperative dockets respectively.

Additionally, Ugenya MP Wandayi will have to relinquish his position as the National Assembly Minority Leader to take up the position of Energy and Petroleum previously headed by Davis Chirchir.

On Friday, July 19, President Ruto nominated the first batch of cabinet secretaries and attorney general, which was initially given to Miano but now hangs in the balance.

The nominees were; Prof Kithure Kindiki (Interior and National Administration),  Aden Duale (Defence), Alice Wahome (Lands, Public Works, Urban Development and Housing), Soipan Tuya (Environment, Climate Change and Forestry) and Davis Chirchir (Roads and Transport).

Others were; Dr Debra Mulongo Barasa (Health), Julius Migosi Ogamba (Education), Dr Andrew Mwihia Karanja (Agriculture and Livestock Development),  Eric Muriithi Muuga (Water, Sanitation and Irrigation) and  Margaret Nyambura Ndung’u (Information, Communication and Digital Economy).

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Full list of President Ruto’s Cabinet nominees (part 2)

What ODM Members Said On Nomination Of Colleagues

Edwin Sifuna

“They do not have blessings of the party. The position that we gave is that they are going to join the government in their individual capacity. We don’t begrudge them in fact I wish them well,” he said.

“I can assure you that Mbadi doesn’t understand the bottom-up transformative manifesto. Can John Mbadi reduce taxes as the Treasury Cabinet Secretary?”

“I expect that by the end of the day or before they go for vetting we will receive resignations of these people from their positions in the party. This is my expectation because the law is that they cannot go into Cabinet as parties and members of political parties,” Sifuna said.

Raila Odinga

“I have taken note of President William Ruto’s announcement yesterday regarding the reconstitution of the cabinet to include four members from ODM.

“As articulated in our statement on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, neither the ODM Party nor Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party has entered into any coalition agreement with President Ruto’s UDA party,” Odinga remarked.

Other Azimio Members (ODM is part of Azimio)

Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni: We will not take part in the proposed broad-based government of national unity as it is a betrayal of Kenyans especially Gen Z and millennials.

Kalonzo Musyoka: Unless that new cabinet takes place after what our leader Odinga called a convention, not a dialogue then there can be an arrangement of a government of national unity. Should any of our members opt to join the proposed Kenya Kwanza-led Broad-Based Government of National Unity, we SHALL NOT be a party to that decision

Little did they know that a huge shocker was waiting:

Martha Karua Dumps Azimio

Two years ago this month, she was Azimio la Umoja’s presidential running mate, going toe to toe with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua in the deputy presidential debate. Then, Gachagua and Ruto defeated her and Raila Odinga in the 2022 polls.

Now, she and her party, NARC Kenya, exited the Azimio la Umoja coalition.

Karua took to her social media platforms to share a letter from the party dated Thursday, July 25, which reads “Kindly take note that our stay in Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition is not tenable due to the prevailing political developments.”

“As NARC Kenya by way of this letter, we are giving notice to exit the Coalition as stipulated in the exit clause (s) in the Coalition Agreement. This notice is effective from the date of this letter,” read the letter in part.

Her later came in the backdrop of political turbulence within the Azimio la Umoja Coalition over courting the Kenya Kwanza government, one the coalition had opposed for close to two years, and even before they lost the 2022 general elections.

In an earlier interview with Ghetto Radio, Karua offered a hint that the coalition is walking on a tightrope in terms of its lifespan and it is only a matter of time before it is dissolved for good.

Karua asserted that the coalition had been pulling in different directions since the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) began its talks.

“Azimio is shaky and I think after yesterday, it’s done. I’m saying shaky because, since the NADCO talks, we’ve been pulling in different directions.

“The only thing that has saved us is that we said at the beginning of this year, let every party go and build itself. So I’ve been busy with Narc-Kenya and not busy with Azimio,” Karua remarked.

Was That It?

Karua on Tuesday, July 9 dismissed the recent calls for national dialogue by forming a multi-sectoral forum to address issues raised by Gen Z during the recent anti-government demonstrations, another sign that all was not well in Azimio.

In a series of statements on X, Karua claimed that the government intends to use the talks to divert Kenyans from actual issues facing the country.

“Dialogue can only be meaningful if the players have good faith and are guided by the best interests of the people. This is a trap period,” she wrote.

On the same day, Raila welcomed the move saying it was the way forward to get out of the current crisis in the country.

“I can confirm that we have had consultations and after the consultations, we have agreed that a dialogue is the way forward out of the crisis that we have had as a country,” Raila stated.

“We have agreed we give people an opportunity to be heard, express themselves and come out with the grievances that are ailing our country today so that a lasting solution can be found.”

What Next: With Karua’s exit and Raila playing coy over the broad-based government, only Kalonzo and Kioni remain with the responsibility of keeping Azimio afloat with three years to the next general elections, however, predictions certainly aren’t making for good reading for the coalition fanatics.

Here are other stories that made OUR headlines this week:

  1. On Sunday, July 21, Ethiopian Airlines issued a statement a day after a video went viral showing a disgruntled female passenger being forcibly ejected from one of its flights that was bound for the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi, Kenya from Addis Ababa. As the only media house in Kenya with a main segment dedicated exclusively to aviation, we fact-checked extensively some two key terms that were misinterpreted in the airline company’s explanation.
  2. Kenya Railways (KR) on Monday, July 22 introduced a new Premium class coach that will reportedly set one back Ksh12,000 on a single trip from Nairobi to Mombasa and Ksh20,000 on return trips, despite some of the features resembling those of business class on passenger aircraft.
  3. On SGR, Kenya Railways also unveiled new features of the new wagon for the Ksh1,500 economy class of Standard Guage Railway (SGR) trains, including a new seating arrangement.
  4. With reports of an alleged takeover of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) assured members of the public that it is not planning to sell the iconic airport to an Indian-based multinational conglomerate, Adani Airport Holdings Limited, instead stating that the deal was an investment on a new passenger terminal building, second runway and refurbishment of the existing facilities at JKIA.
  5. With reports going rife about the night of terror at Zimmerman on July 23, I spoke to a resident who gave a true account of what transpired when police officers invited chaos on residents. Read my exclusive here.
  6. From acting capacity to nomination as President Ruto nominated Douglas Kanja as the next Inspector General of the National Police Service (NPS). Gilbert Masengeli is now the Acting Inspector General of Police, pending the consideration of Kanja’s nomination as the substantive IG.
  7. The National Assembly’s Budget and Appropriations Committee on Thursday, July 25 rejected plans by President William Ruto to scrap the Offices of the First and Second Lady. The Ndindi Nyoro-led committee poked holes into the National Treasury’s plan to fold up the two offices, despite mounting pressure over cost-cutting measures, and the move sees the extension of the offices that Kenyans had demanded that they be scrapped.
  8. In the spirit of Wycliffe Oparanya’s nomination as Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), my newly recruited colleague, Lindwe Danflow, revealed that Oparanya two years ago “was supposed to be the Minister in charge of the Treasury” in Azimio’s government, if it won the election. A case of your wish being granted but in different circumstances.

News Graphic Of The Week


News graphic of Martha Karua’s remarks made hours before her party announced its intention to leave Azimio on July 25, 2024.

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