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HomeNewsAfter Hours: Rael’s Endearments (Episode 15)

After Hours: Rael’s Endearments (Episode 15)


Rael’s mind was on an over drive
and she knew she was about to get an anxiety attack. The thought that she
needed to confront her sister, who hated her, over an issue she had been blind
to for so long made her very uneasy. She needed to get a few shots of her gin
to calm her nerves and get the confidence to approach her sister. As she went
to get the drink from the car, she found her mother right outside the door.

“Where are you going? Tea is
ready. Take it then you can go outside.”

“I am coming mum. I just want to
get something from the car. I will be back shortly.”

“Okay, hurry. And you have really
put on a lot of weight. You should stop eating those Nairobi chicken and

“It is the medication I am on
that are making me gain lots of weight. I am really trying to lose weight. By
the way mum, why did you not tell me that Priscilla is around?”

“What difference would it have
made? I was trying to protect both of you.”

“Okay mummy. I need to have your
tea before it gets cold let me rush.”

 As she took a swig of gin straight from the
bottle, she felt like shit. All she wanted was to go back to the city. But then
again, she had trouble to deal with in the city. It looked like trouble and
drama loved her so much she began thinking she was cursed or being punished for
something she did or didn’t do. The alcohol hit home and she immediately felt
better. She knew she had to hurry before her mother became nosy. She went back
to the house and found her father was now awake.

“Kemmy, you are here already? How
are you my daughter?”

Her second name was Kemunto and
her dad and brother always called her Kemmy.

“I am fine papa. How are you
feeling? I hope the medicines are helping and you are getting better”

“I am getting better but you know
old age does not help. Your sister here wants me to go to America with her but
I do not think I have the energy to do that. I might die in the plane.”

“Do not say that papa. I also
think you should go. You need to get out of here. Plus seeing your
grandchildren will do you good. Priscilla, why did you not come with the

“That is none of your business.”

“Do not fight my children. Rael,
get me a cup I take some tea with you.”

“Okay papa”

As she settled to take tea with
her dad and catch up with all that has been happening, Priscilla walked out and
went to lock herself in her room.

“It’s about time you two made up.
You need each other when your mother and I are no longer in this world.”

“We will be fine papa and you are
not going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Death is inevitable. It is just
a matter of when.”

“Let us not talk about that. I
guess mum needs a hand in the kitchen. Let me see how I can help.”

She went to the kitchen knowing
too well that her mother loved to be alone in the kitchen and would not allow
any form of help. She had even tried to get her a house help when her arthritis
flared up and was always in pain, but her mother chased away the poor girl. She
claimed that the girl did not meet her standard of cleanliness and did not know
how to cook. She even claimed that the girl seduced their dad. Everyone knew
the issue was that her mother was a perfectionist and very protective of her
space in the kitchen. True to her expectations, she did not want Rael anywhere
near the kitchen.

“Go and take a walk in the farm
or take a nap. Food will be ready in an hour’s time”

“Mummy, what is it in that
kitchen that you always never want anyone in?”

“Aye! Leave me alone.”

She was torn between going to her
car and drink the whole bottle of gin or go talk to her sister. As much as
alcohol sounded like the best plan and option, she could not get drunk in her
parents compound. She would either take a walk to the farm, watch television or
talk to her sister. She decided to go back to the house and catch a nap. She
had barely slept well when Evans sent her a message that he was around and
driving for eight hours had left her exhausted. Speaking of Evans, she had
blocked him but the nigga kept calling her on different numbers which she would
disconnect as soon a she heard his voice. He had resorted to sending her
abusive and threatening texts and the last one came in as she talked to her
mother after she had told him that she would report him to the police.

“I also know a number of
policemen and I hope for your sake you never default in paying your loan
because I will make you pay for what you did to me you whore.”

“I am shaking Evans. I am shaking
so badly. Just stop texting and calling me”

She sent the message, put her
phone on flight mode and went to sleep until her mum came to wake her up.

“I knew you were tired. I have
had to call you several times before you could wake up. I hope you are well
rested. Lunch is ready and it’s chicken. Your favorite.

“Nice. Thank you mum. I am

Her sister chose to eat from her
room as Rael and the parents ate in the living room as they watched TV and
talked. Once they were done, Rael helped with cleaning the dishes and decided
to go say hi to her grandfather who lived around ten minutes away. She carried
some of the food her mother had cooked and a few things she had bought for him
as she shopped for her parents. She wished she had bought him some whiskey. He
loved whiskey but her parents did not encourage anyone buying him alcohol
because he got rowdy and really stubborn when drunk. There was a time he
disappeared for three days after being given money by one of his grandchild. He
went on a drinking spree and only appeared after spending all the money. His
dad encouraged every family member not to give him money or alcohol. He was
well taken care of but he always complained about how much his family hated him
because they did not give him money. She decided that she would buy him a few
beers they share as they talked.

Sokoro, as they fondly referred
to him, was so happy to see her. She served him food and beer and as he ate they
caught up on village and family gossip, each other’s life and politics. She
asked him if Priscilla had come to say hi to him.

“Your sister is around? You know
that girl does not like us. I do not know what we did to her. She got a white
husband and changed on us.”

“I do not think having a white
husband has anything to do with her attitude sokoro. You remember the incident
with uncle Osoro? I think that is the reason she is so angry with everyone
apart from daddy.”

“Let me tell you my child, that
incident made me very sad. All your grandmother cared about was our reputation
and despite my requests to have Osoro punished, she refused. You know how she
is. He did the same thing to your cousin Stephanie and your uncle called police
on him, but your grandmother controlled the situation and kept everything under

“Stephanie? That girl is always
very quiet and avoids people. Uncle Osoro really messed us up sokoro. The worst
thing is that he is doing so well in life oblivious of the people he hurt and
the relationships he broke”

“We all played a part and I think
we need to apologize to each other and heal. My child, I need some money for
medication. Please don’t leave me empty handed.”

“You know I have broken some
rules for you today. I am still around. Let me think about it and I will let
you know before I go back to the city. Just ensure that you eat and drink lots
of water.”

She was so happy that she visited
her grandfather.  At least, unlike uncle
Osoro and her parents, he did not ignore the fact that there was a problem. She
was feeling tipsy and a little sleepy after taking the beers so she slept on
the couch for a while because she could barely drive. Even as she fell asleep,
she made up her mind that she was going to talk to Priscilla that evening. This
had to be done.


Connect with Rael!

Do you have thoughts, questions, or personal insights about this week’s adventure? Rael loves hearing from her fans and is eager to see your reactions and responses! Reach out to her directly at: [email protected]. Stay tuned and be part of Rael’s journey every week. 

<<< Episode 14



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