How to Apply For Jobs Using An Email

How to Apply For Jobs Using An Email

How to Apply for jobs using an email

1. Make sure you put the job title on the Subject (Only if there’s no Reference number on the post)


2. Always attach your CV in PDF format. A PDF file will ensure that your formatting remains consistent and that your content isn’t accidentally modified.

3. In the first paragraph, tell the hiring manager who you are and why are you contacting them.

4. In the second paragraph briefly explain what value you’d bring to the company.

5. Close the resume email by saying you’re eager to meet in person.

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6. Add a professional signature with your contact details.


I came across a very exciting position on your job portal that I believe fits me perfectly. I am interested in applying for the position of Development Engineer (Job Reference Number A123) at Safaricom PLc.

After reading the job description and requirements and matching it with my own experiences, I know that I would be a valuable asset to your organization.

I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nairobi

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I now want to apply my skills to a multinational company like Safaricom. As a development engineer, I can implement engineering concepts to design innovative and ingenious products for consumers.

I have attached a cover letter, resume, and certificates for your consideration.

Please take a moment to go through them to get a better picture of who I am.

I would love to talk to you in more detail regarding this amazing opportunity at your organization. It would give me great pleasure to hear back from you regarding my application.


Your Name
