‘Secret Invasion’ Easter Eggs: 5 Things You May Have Missed in Episode 2

‘Secret Invasion’ Easter Eggs: 5 Things You May Have Missed in Episode 2

Fury’s wife

Secret Invasion - Priscilla Fury
Photo: Disney+

The episode ends with a big reveal: Nick Fury is married! That’s about all we know about his marriage, though. All we see in Episode 2 is Fury enter a home and greet a character, played by Charlayne Woodard, with a kiss after putting on his wedding band. From promotional materials we know that Woodard is playing Priscilla Fury, and we know that she’s a Skrull. She may also have another name: Varra.

Secret Invasion - Varra and Gravik
Photo: Disney+

In the opening flashback to 1997, we see Varra bring Gravik to Fury’s group of refugees. While Woodard isn’t credited as playing Varra, it really sounds like they have the same voice. On top of that, the credits do not list Varra. Maybe that’s because Marvel Studios would want to keep the Priscilla/Varra connection secret.

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And just to cover all the bases, Varra is the name of a minor Marvel Comics character who is a Skrull/Kree hybrid and a member of the Knights of the Infinite. Of course there’s no reason to think that any of those character traits will have a bearing on this story.

Varra's debut
New Avengers #4 (2015) by Gerardo Sandoval (artist), Dono Sánchez-Almara (colorist), Al Ewing (writer), Joe Caramagna (letterer)
Photo: Marvel Comics

This isn’t the first time Fury’s wife has popped up in the MCU. She was mentioned in Captain America: The Winter Soldier during the scene in Steve Rogers’ apartment where Fury, injured after being chased by HYDRA sleeper agents, tells Steve, “My wife kicked me out.”

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As far as the comics go, Nick Fury has never been married — as far as we know. The truth is, though, it’s more complicated than that. Just know that Priscilla Fury has no counterpart, at least not yet.
