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HomeEntertainmentPrince Andrew faces new scandal with TV programme

Prince Andrew faces new scandal with TV programme

Prince Andrew is expected to face another blow to his public image with the airing of “A Very Royal Scandal” tomorrow. The programme will likely contribute to the ongoing damage to his reputation.

Ben Macintyre recounts the 1980 SAS raid on the Iranian Embassy and highlights 20-year-old Andrew’s enthusiasm for the televised siege. At the time, he was second in line to the throne and instructed his protection officer to contact the siege commander, John Dellow, expressing HRH’s desire to visit for lunch.

Macintyre writes that the last thing Dellow needed during this sensitive operation was a royal visitor and his entourage. The young prince wanted to be in the midst of the action and was accustomed to getting his way. However, this time, his request was refused.

A video featuring Kate Middleton, complete with a casual picnic, suggests a change in royal outdoor dining standards. Princess Margaret once reminisced about a Hampton Court picnic with liveried staff serving an array of gourmet food and fine beverages. She believed picnics should always be enjoyed at a table with proper seating.

Tracey Emin, who will soon open her latest exhibition at London’s White Cube gallery, shares that her cat Pancake assists with her painting. Pancake watches every brushstroke and some of her works even feature his paw marks. Emin recalls an art buyer questioning Pancake’s involvement, to which she responded that the paw mark authenticates the piece, making it particularly special. Pancake certainly enjoys the rewards.


Bespoke removal expert Anthony Ward Thomas recounts his experience with former MP Matt Hancock, describing him as his most troublesome client. Hancock booked his third furniture move at the last minute, leaving no time to arrange a parking suspension with the council. This resulted in a parking ticket, which Ward Thomas’s company paid and subsequently sent to Hancock. It later emerged that Hancock had claimed the £78 fine on his parliamentary expenses.

Jared Harris, son of the late actor Richard Harris, expresses dissatisfaction with the suite dedicated to his father at London’s Savoy Hotel. He remembers the room as lovely during his father’s time there but now finds it unimpressive. Jared also recalls his father’s final joke, made while being carried out on a stretcher: he sat up and told the shocked guests in the lobby, “It’s the food.”

Dominic Treadwell-Collins, the screenwriter for Disney’s adaptation of Jilly Cooper’s “Rivals,” aims to faithfully recreate the author’s explicit content. He ensures that the nudity is balanced, stating there is “a willy for every pair of tits.”

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Standard: Ruth Wilson discusses playing Emily Maitlis in “A Very Royal Scandal,” highlighting Prince Andrew’s interview as entertainment and the complexities of royal interactions with the press and public. (Read more)
  • Grazia Daily explores the different adaptations of Prince Andrew’s infamous Newsnight interview, highlighting “Scoop” and “A Very Royal Scandal,” each focusing on different aspects of the scandalous event. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

How did young Prince Andrew react to the Iranian Embassy siege?

He was excited and wanted to visit the site for lunch.

What did Princess Margaret think about picnics?

She believed picnics should be eaten at a table, sitting on a chair.

Does Tracey Emin’s cat, Pancake, contribute to her paintings?

Yes, Pancake’s pawmarks appear on some of her paintings.

Why did Anthony Ward Thomas consider Matt Hancock his worst customer?

Hancock booked last minute causing parking issues, then claimed the fine on expenses.



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