Pornstar and shooter claims to have been Diddy’s sex slave

Host Sean "Diddy" Combs presents the revolt black excellence award at the Billboard Music Awards, May 15, 2022, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File).

While Sean ‘Diddy‘ Combs is on suicide watch at a New York jail, a shocking video of a porn star claiming he was the rapper’s sex slave has resurfaced online.

Combs, 54, was placed on suicide monitor at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center, which is ‘standard for high-profile individuals’.


He was arrested and indicted earlier this week in Manhattan for sex trafficking, racketeering and transportation to engage in prostitution.

Combs was remanded to MDC after a judge on Wednesday denied his attorneys’ bid to free the disgraced hip hop mogul despite offering his flashy Florida home in Star Island and his mother’s house as a $50 million surety.

As Combs remains in a Brooklyn cell, a man named Jonathan Oddi – who claimed he had sex with the rapper and his former girlfriend, Cassie Ventura – also remains in jail.

Oddi made the wild claims in a 2018 video when he was being questioned by Florida investigators in an unrelated case.

In the police interrogation video, Oddi said he was the rapper’s sex slave.

‘I had sex with Cassie and Sean,’ Oddi claimed. ‘He would masturbate and tell me what to do to Cassie. I was like a sex slave, okay. For them, that’s what I was.’

Oddi also made claims the hip hop industry included a ‘cabal’ of rich people who moved drugs like ‘liquid cocaine’ in their private jets.

He alleged he took that liquid cocaine with Ventura and Combs.

Oddi said he ‘caught herpes’ from their alleged sexual trysts. He also said Combs would use cocaine during their sexual escapades.

While Oddi’s bizarre confessions were initially dismissed by the cops, Internet sleuths are connecting his claims with the allegations Ventura made in her November 2023 lawsuit against Combs.

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In the suit, the singer alleged Combs beat her frequently and forced her to engage in sex acts with male prostitutes, which he called ‘freak offs’ and sometimes recorded.

Federal prosecutors have also claimed Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs engaged in sex parties as mentioned in Ventura’s lawsuit.

‘The defendant arranged ‘Freak Offs’ with the assistance of members and associates of the Enterprise, including employees of his business. Hotel rooms where they were staged often sustained significant damages,’ according to a prosecution memo seeking to deny Combs bail.

Oddi, who described himself as an investor, was reportedly a male stripper and porn actor.

He was arrested in May 2018 after allegedly opening fire inside the Trump National Doral Miami resort.

Police stated Oddi barged into the lobby of the Trump National Doral Golf Club carrying an American flag and shouting about the former president.

According to police, he fired at a chandelier before exchanging gunfire with officers, who shot him in the legs and took him into custody.

Oddi remains in a detention center in Miami-Dade County and is facing multiple charges, including attempted murder of law-enforcement officers, armed burglary and armed grand theft, according to court records.

Meanwhile, Combs is also on a ‘no bail’ hold and has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

One of his attorneys, Marc Agnifilo, said they plan to file another motion in the future seeking his release, but also vowed to expedite his client’s criminal trial.

‘Mr Combs is a fighter – he will fight this until the end. He is innocent,’  Agnifilo said. ‘He has been looking forward to clearing his name and he is going to clear his name. We believe in him whole heartedly. He didn’t do these things.’

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Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is being kept in the Brooklyn jail’s Special Housing Unit while he waits for his sex trafficking case to go to trial.

It has been described as ‘hell on earth’ and has been plagued with murders and suicides ever since it opened in 1994.

His isolation from the other inmates does not mean he will be getting special treatment. Combs will have 6am wake-ups with just one hour for recreational time per day.

Ex-MDC warden Cameron Lindsay told TMZ Combs’ life could be in danger at the infamous jail where he said violent inmates would consider it a ‘badge of honor’ to harm the mogul.

MDC, the only federal jail in New York City, is notorious for its violence, harsh conditions and drug smuggling. In 2021, MDC’s Manhattan facility shutdown.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • TMZ reported the shocking claims from a former adult film star about being Diddy’s ‘sex slave’ add a disturbing layer to the ongoing sex trafficking allegations against him. This revelation raises serious questions about accountability in Hollywood. (Read more)
  • Entertainment Weekly reported as Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs faces serious charges, the allegations of sexual slavery from a pornstar highlight the troubling dynamics within his circle. This case emphasises the need for justice and transparency. (Read more)
  • Reason reports the accusations of Diddy’s alleged coercive relationships, including claims of sexual slavery, reflect a broader issue of power abuse in the entertainment industry. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Why is Sean “Diddy” Combs on suicide watch?

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Combs is on suicide watch at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center, which is standard protocol for high-profile individuals after his arrest on sex trafficking charges.

Who is Jonathan Oddi, and what did he claim about Sean Combs?

Jonathan Oddi is a man who claimed in a 2018 video that he was Combs’ sex slave and alleged sexual involvement with Combs and his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura.

What connection does Jonathan Oddi have to Combs’ current charges?

Oddi’s claims of sexual abuse and drug use resurfaced as they align with allegations made by Cassie Ventura in her 2023 lawsuit against Combs.

What did Cassie Ventura allege in her lawsuit against Sean Combs?

Cassie alleged that Combs abused her, forced her into sexual acts with male prostitutes, and held sex parties, referred to as “freak offs.”

What are the conditions like at the Metropolitan Detention Center where Combs is being held?

Combs is in the Special Housing Unit of MDC, a jail notorious for violence, harsh conditions, and suicides, where he’s isolated but not receiving special treatment.