Netweb partners with NVIDIA for AI superchip manufacturing in India

Netweb partners with NVIDIA for AI superchip manufacturing in India

Netweb Technologies has announced a significant partnership with NVIDIA, a global leader in AI products and solutions. This collaboration aims to leverage the capabilities of AI through the manufacturing of the NVIDIA Grace CPU Superchip and GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip MGX server designs, under the Netweb umbrella.

Netweb Technologies, a pioneer in high-end technological products, will produce over ten server variations as part of its Tyrone range of AI systems. These systems are designed to address a wide spectrum of AI and high-performance computing demands.


The AI systems built by Netweb, using the NVIDIA MGX modular reference design, will be tasked with managing intricate workloads in high-performance computing, data science, broad language models, enterprise AI, edge computing, and design and effect. Moreover, they will also be equipped to handle a variety of concurrent workloads, including AI training and inference, as well as 5G on a single system.

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The innovative designs of these servers ensure effortless upgrades for future hardware generations, reflecting the forward-looking approach of both Netweb and NVIDIA.

This partnership with NVIDIA is a significant stride in realising the untapped potential of AI in India and the Asia-Pacific region. It will also serve to bolster India’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, which aims to promote in-country manufacturing and turn India into a global design and manufacturing hub.

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The evolving AI needs of India and the region could be met by this partnership, given the recent announcements by several large Indian corporations about developing AI infrastructures in the country.

As this partnership unfolds, Netweb’s AI systems integrated with NVIDIA’s MGX are set to revolutionise the technology landscape in India and beyond. As more details become available, they will be shared here. Stay tuned for more updates.


