Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeEntertainmentI have no blood in my hand – Ruto

I have no blood in my hand – Ruto

President William Ruto has come out of state that he has no blood on his hands following the deadly protests

Speaking on Sunday, June 30, 2024, President Ruto insisted that he was blameless despite 19 people losing their lives in the anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests.

Ruto told journalists that it was unfortunate that lives had to be lost but the country incurred Ksh2.4 billion loss.

The President detailed that the Office of Chief Justice, City Hall and Parliament were all destroyed during the protests.

“I have no blood on my hands. 19 people to the record that I have are dead. Very unfortunate, as a democracy that should not be part of our conversation. 2.4 billion of property has been destroyed. Office of the CJ, City Hall and Parliament have been burnt,” Ruto stated.

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