Employee reinstated after refusal to fetch boss’s breakfast

Photo of Matthew Coles

A new hire at a Chinese educational company faced brief termination after declining to buy breakfast and coffee for her boss. The employee, surnamed Lou, claimed she was fired for not bringing her supervisor a “hot Americano and an egg” each morning. The incident surfaced when she shared her story on Xiaohongshu.

Supervisor’s breakfast demands


Lou’s boss, identified as Liu, expected her to fetch an Americano, an egg, and occasionally a bottle of water each morning. The employee refused, stating these tasks weren’t part of her job role. She voiced her frustration online, criticising her boss for expecting personal favours daily. “I wasn’t hired to be a personal assistant, yet my boss expected me to handle her breakfast needs every morning,” Lou posted, highlighting her situation.

Termination without compensation

When Lou raised the issue with human resources, she sought a fair resolution. Instead, she was told to leave the company without compensation. Reports indicated that the HR department justified her termination based on her refusal to serve food and water.

The decision sparked outrage on social media, with users condemning the company and calling for an internal investigation. Many argued that such employee treatment was unacceptable and demanded action from the firm.

Supervisor dismissed after backlash

Facing significant backlash online, the company had to respond. Under public pressure, the firm reinstated the dismissed employee and fired the supervisor responsible for the unreasonable demands.

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In September, the company issued a public statement confirming Liu’s dismissal for her inappropriate behaviour. The firm assured the public that measures would be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Times of India reports on a Chinese woman terminated for refusing her supervisor’s unreasonable demands, highlighting workplace bullying and the lack of clear laws in China to address such issues.(read more)
  • The Star reports on a Chinese firm firing a woman for refusing to buy breakfast for her boss, sparking outrage and leading to her reinstatement, highlighting workplace bullying and public backlash.(read more)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Why was the new employee at the Chinese educational firm fired?

She was fired for refusing to buy breakfast and coffee for her boss.

What did the employee refuse to do for her supervisor?

She refused to fetch an Americano, an egg, and sometimes a bottle of water each morning.

How did the company initially respond to the employee’s complaint?

The HR department dismissed her without any compensation.

What was the public’s reaction to the employee’s dismissal?

There was an uproar on social media, with netizens criticizing the firm and calling for an investigation.