Comoros president Azali Assoumani’s political trajectory and personal life

Comoros president Azali Assoumani’s political trajectory and personal life

Azali Assoumani, the Comorian politician and military officer, has been leading the Comoros as president since April 2019. This follows his previous tenures as president from 2002 to 2006 and again from 2016 to February 2019. Assoumani initially gained power following a coup d’état in 1999. He has additionally served as the African Union Chairperson since February 2023.

In 1999, Assoumani overthrew the then interim president, Tadjidine Ben Said Massounde, in a coup d’état to take over the presidency of the Council of State of the Comoros. The forces supporting Assoumani argued that the coup was essential to maintain territorial integrity, pointing out that Massounde had started negotiations for greater autonomy or independence with representatives of Anjouan island.


The personal life of President Assoumani, including details about his wife Ambari Assoumani, has been a subject of public interest. However, information about his wife and family remains scant and unconfirmed at this time.

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On the political front, Assoumani’s proposed new constitution was ratified through a referendum on December 23, 2001. This constitution granted substantial autonomy to the Comorian islands, instituted a rotating presidency, and each island was awarded its flag, set of fundamental laws, and executive branch. Additionally, it changed the nation’s name from the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros to the Union of the Comoros and modified the flag, removing religious inscriptions and introducing multicolour.

Born on January 1, 1959, Assoumani received his military training at the Ecole de Guerre in Paris and the Meknes Royal Military Academy in Morocco. During the build-up to the 2002 elections, violent confrontations were reported between opposition groups and state troops across the country, as well as arbitrary detentions. Assoumani resigned his position as president of the Council of State on January 21, 2002, to run for the presidency of the Union of the Comoros.

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Following his resignation, Hamada Madi assumed the office of president. Assoumani was then elected president in the multi-party Comorian presidential election on May 26, 2002, with 75% of the vote. However, Assoumani’s tenure was marked by political stagnation and conflicts over power as he denied the Comoros’ autonomous regions their constitutionally mandated authority. This led to Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi of Anjouan succeeding him after winning the 2006 presidential election, in accordance with the provision that subsequent presidents must come from different islands.


