China warns against escalating Ukraine conflict at UNGA

Photo of Jamie Cartwright

Three days before China’s government marks its 75th anniversary, the country’s foreign minister cautioned global leaders against escalating the conflict in Ukraine. On Saturday, he reiterated China’s dedication to shuttle diplomacy to help resolve the war.

“The top priority is to commit to no expansion of the battlefield… China is committed to playing a constructive role,” Wang Yi stated. He criticised other nations for “throwing oil on the fire or exploiting the situation for selfish gains,” likely referencing the United States.


Wang’s address did not introduce new policies, aligning with China’s recent approach at the U.N. General Assembly. Chinese President Xi Jinping has not attended the meeting in person since 2021, participating virtually during the pandemic.

On Friday, China and Brazil promoted their peace proposal for Ukraine. A handful of countries endorsed a communique acknowledging the six-point plan, which includes a peace conference involving both Ukraine and Russia and a commitment to avoid expanding the battlefield.

Ukrainian officials have shown little interest in the proposal. However, the countries that signed the communique are forming a “friends for peace” group to continue discussions. Members include nations from Africa and Latin America. Wang clarified that the group does not dictate individual countries’ policies.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov mentioned Russia’s readiness to support the group, emphasising the importance of grounding proposals in reality.

China has been a close ally of Russia, a country accused by the U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, the U.S., and many others of violating the U.N. Charter. Moscow maintains that its “special military operation” is an act of self-defence, as permitted by the U.N. Charter.

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Wang also addressed China’s views on Mideast tensions and the Korean Peninsula, both of strategic importance to Beijing.

In the Middle East, Wang described the Palestinian issue as “the biggest wound in human conscience,” reaffirming China’s support for Palestinian statehood and full U.N. membership. He advocated for a two-state solution without mentioning Israel or the recent conflict initiated by Hamas fighters.

In the Korean peninsula, Wang supported transitioning from an armistice to a peace mechanism. The two Koreas have been technically at war since the 1950 to 1953 conflict. China backs North Korea, while the U.S. supports South Korea. Wang warned against external interference in East Asia.

The Korean Peninsula was divided into U.S.-supported South Korea and Soviet-backed North Korea after World War II. It has the world’s most fortified border.

In terms of human rights, Wang reiterated China’s stance that no country should interfere in another’s internal affairs under the guise of human rights. He defended China’s chosen path of human rights development as legitimate.

“We have found a path of human rights development that suits China’s national condition,” Wang stated.

China faces long-standing criticism from other nations and international rights groups for its treatment of Tibetans, Uyghurs in Xinjiang, and activists in Hong Kong.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • VOA News reported that Wang Yi’s call for de-escalation in Ukraine reflects China’s commitment to peace talks. He stresses that all parties must avoid provocations, urging a swift end to hostilities. (Read more)
  • RBC Ukraine reports China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi warning against escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict at the UN, emphasising diplomacy and avoiding battlefield expansion. (Read more)
  • KVIA reports that China’s foreign minister Wang Yi warns against expanding the Ukraine war at the UN, urging nations not to exacerbate the conflict for selfish gains. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What did China’s foreign minister say about Russia’s war with Ukraine?

Wang Yi warned against expanding the battlefield and emphasised China’s commitment to ending the conflict.

How did the Ukrainian officials perceive this message?

They showed little interest in the proposal.

How does China view the situation in the Middle East?

China supports Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution but does not mention Israel directly.

What is China’s position on the Korean Peninsula issue?

China supports transitioning from an armistice to a peace mechanism and opposes external meddling in East Asia.

What is China’s approach to human rights?

China asserts that no country should interfere in another’s internal affairs and defends its own human rights path.