Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeEntertainmentAnti-Finance Bill 2024: Protestors access main chambers in Parliament

Anti-Finance Bill 2024: Protestors access main chambers in Parliament

The anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests escalated dramatically today as demonstrators gained access to the main chambers of Parliament, moments after Members of Parliament passed the contentious bill.

In a video circulating online, one protester can be seen recording himself as he shouts, “Ruto must go,” at the House’s chambers.

“Mr Speaker Sir, I am here to address you, you must go, Ruto must go,” the protester shouted.

In the background, other protesters can be heard saying, “Tunalala hapa, na hatuendi, we do not fear you. You must go, Ruto must go,” they all sang addressing President William Ruto.

Chaos, destruction in parliament

Earlier, chaos erupted as protesters caused massive destruction and vandalism within Parliament buildings.

Several protesters were reportedly shot during the confrontation. Inside Parliament, chairs in the lounge area were turned upside-down, windows shattered, and walls destroyed.

Protests were not limited to Nairobi; similar demonstrations erupted across the country in Nakuru, Mombasa, Nyeri, Kisumu, Kakamega, and Meru, among other regions.

The situation remains tense as police resort to violence on the anti-tax protesters.

The demonstrators are demanding a complete rejection of the Finance Bill 2024, calling for accountability in government, an end to corruption, and the publication of all state debts.

These demonstrations, which began on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, have now reached their third day.

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