Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeEntertainment‘A brave son of Kenya’ – Auma Obama showers Madowo with praise

‘A brave son of Kenya’ – Auma Obama showers Madowo with praise

Activist Auma Obama, sister of former U.S. President Barack Obama, has expressed her admiration for prominent Kenyan journalist, Larry Madowo.

In a heartfelt message, shared through her X account on June 26, 2024, Auma congratulated Larry for his courage in immersing himself in the intense coverage of the protests that unfolded on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. 

Auma Obama commended Larry for his dedication, noting how he went above and beyond by nearly missing a flight and cutting short his personal time off to report on the impactful events.

She expressed pride in Larry for serving as a vital conduit through which the world could gain insight into the motivations driving the protests among Kenyan youths.

Encouraging Larry to prioritise his safety, Auma urged him not to succumb to any attempts to silence his voice. 

“A brave son of Kenya. He was in the thick of it! Cut short his leave. Almost missed his flight. Did not sleep. Walked the streets with us. Did not sleep! Out there again! Letting the world know! Bearing witness. Thank you Larry. Stay safe! Do not be quiet,” Auma remarked.

Further, netizens have echoed Auma’s sentiments, lauding Larry for his commitment to shedding light on the realities faced by demonstrators at the hands of the Kenyan police. 

Ouma joins Gen-Z protests

Auma Obama and her daughter joined the protests in Nairobi on June 25, 2024, against the Finance Bill when security officers threw tear gas at them. She had a candid conversation with CNN’s Larry Madowo about the government ignoring the concerns of the young generation about over-taxation.

In addition, Ouma revealed her disappointment at the brutality and heavy-handed response by police officers to peaceful protesters.

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“I can’t believe that these young people are just trying to demonstrate for their rights. I came to join them to tell them that they need to use their voices and we are being teargassed. We have flags and banners, nothing else,” Ouma noted. 

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