Trinity Pilkington obituary and dead, Bayhealth Orthopaedics, Sussex Campus

MRandom News Trinity Pilkington obituary and dead, Bayhealth Orthopaedics, Sussex Campus

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Trinity Pilkington, MD, is a specialist in orthopedic joint replacement and trauma surgery.


Dr. Pilkington’s desire to improve the lives of others is what led him to a successful career in the medical field.

As an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Pilkington treats various conditions affecting bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves.

Trinity Pilkington obituary and dead, Bayhealth Orthopaedics, Sussex Campus 1

Dr. Pilkington’s surgical practice encompasses nearly all aspects of musculoskeletal conditions at all ages. He is fellowship trained in orthopedic trauma and reconstructive surgery, allowing him to treat complex injuries and deformities.

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Dr. Pilkington focuses on arthritic conditions using less invasive surgical techniques for knee and hip replacement surgery. He is one of only two orthopedic surgeons at Bayhealth who are trained in the anterior hip approach, which offers a muscle-sparing technique for a faster, less painful recovery after a total hip replacement. He also specializes in sports medicine and upper extremity conditions, including rotator cuff disorders, ACL injuries and meniscal tears; using the latest minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques.

Dr. Pilkington values the relationships he forms with patients. He believes that informed patients make the best decisions about their own treatment. Dr. Pilkington is most satisfied when a patient thanks him for “bringing them back to life.”

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Dr. Pilkington hosts annual community knee and hip joint replacement seminars throughout central and southern Delaware. The forums educate people about arthritic conditions and thoroughly discuss all treatment options.

Dr. Pilkington is a family man who stays in shape to keep up with his three energetic daughters, going to the gym and playing basketball and racquetball.


