Lynwood Montell Obituary: Retired Professor of Folk Studies William Lynwood Montell passes away

Lynwood Montell (1931-2023) - The American Folklore Society

Lynwood Montell Obituary-Remembering William Lynwood Montell: A Legacy of Folklore and Oral History. Let’s find out more here:

With heavy hearts, we mourn the passing of William Lynwood Montell, a renowned folklorist and oral historian. Throughout his illustrious career, Montell captivated readers, academics, and students alike with his meticulous study of regional cultures. His unique approach, characterized by specificity and firsthand observation, left an indelible mark on the field of cultural studies. From his humble beginnings in Rockbridge to his influential role at Western Kentucky University, Montell’s dedication to documenting every facet of a community’s way of life was unparalleled. His extensive research, spanning topics such as racial relations, crime, and the interplay between oral and written history, has become a cornerstone of folklore and oral history research in the Upper Cumberland region. Today, we remember and celebrate the life and contributions of Dr. Montell, whose legacy lives on in the shelves of libraries and the hearts of those he touched.

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Remembering William Lynwood Montell

As we reflect on the life and legacy of William Lynwood Montell, we are reminded of his immense contributions to the field of folklore and oral history. His passing on December 21 leaves a void in the academic community and in the hearts of his family, friends, coworkers, and admirers both in Kentucky and abroad.

Sincere Condolences

WKU Folk Studies extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of William Lynwood Montell. We recognize the profound loss they are experiencing and offer our support during this difficult time. Montell’s impact as a scholar and mentor will be remembered and cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Impact as a Folklorist and Oral Historian

William Lynwood Montell’s influence as one of the country’s most renowned folklorists and oral historians cannot be overstated. Throughout his career, he dedicated himself to the meticulous study of regional cultures, delving into every facet with unwavering curiosity and passion. His approach involved immersing himself in the lives of ordinary people in often overlooked locations, allowing him to gain firsthand insights into their traditions and stories.

Montell’s expertise in cultural studies was shaped by his education in geography and history, which provided him with a unique perspective on oral traditions. His research encompassed a wide range of topics, including the complex dynamics of post-Civil War racial relations, the hidden societal support for criminal activities, and the intricate relationship between oral and written history.

His extensive body of work, consisting of 28 volumes, explored the rich tapestry of the Upper Cumberland region, situated between northcentral Tennessee and southcentral Kentucky. These volumes covered diverse subjects such as foodways, vernacular architecture, and the cherished pastimes of the local community, including front-porch music and competitive marble games. Montell’s books also delved into personal accounts of paranormal experiences, capturing the essence of everyday life in the region.

Montell’s impact extends far beyond the pages of his publications. His dedication to his research and his genuine connection with the people he studied earned him a lasting reputation. Even today, researchers venturing into the Upper Cumberland region are often met with the question, “Do you know Dr. Montell?” His work continues to be treasured by those whose lives he documented, and his books can be found in university libraries and scholarly collections, serving as a testament to his enduring influence.

Specificity in Cultural Studies

William Lynwood Montell’s approach to cultural studies was characterized by a remarkable level of specificity. Throughout his career, he dedicated himself to studying every intricate detail of a particular region’s culture, leaving no stone unturned. This commitment to specificity allowed him to uncover hidden gems and shed light on aspects of local traditions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Early Life and Education

Lynwood Montell Obituary - Yokley-Trible Funeral Home - 2023

Born in the small town of Rockbridge, William Lynwood Montell’s passion for cultural studies was ignited from a young age. Growing up in a close-knit community, he developed a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of stories and traditions that surrounded him. His mother’s chastisement for claiming a different town as his home only fueled his determination to explore and understand the unique cultural heritage of his region.

After graduating from Western Kentucky State College (now Western Kentucky University), Montell pursued graduate degrees in folklore at Indiana University. His majors in geography and history provided him with a multidisciplinary foundation that would shape his future research and approach to oral tradition.

Unique Approach to Oral Tradition

What set William Lynwood Montell apart as a folklorist and oral historian was his unique approach to studying oral tradition. Drawing from his background in geography and history, he recognized the intricate relationship between the spoken word and the written record. Montell understood that oral tradition was not just a collection of stories, but a living, breathing entity that intertwined with written history to create a comprehensive understanding of a culture.

His research delved into the complexities of oral tradition, exploring how it shaped and influenced the written narratives of a region. Montell’s work went beyond mere documentation; he sought to uncover the underlying meanings and cultural significance embedded within the stories and traditions passed down through generations. His studies shed light on the ways in which oral tradition served as a powerful tool for preserving and transmitting cultural heritage.

Montell’s unique approach to oral tradition continues to inspire scholars and researchers in the field. His contributions have deepened our understanding of the intricate relationship between oral and written history, and his work serves as a testament to the importance of specificity in cultural studies.

Contributions at WKU

William Lynwood Montell’s tenure at WKU was marked by his significant contributions to the university and the field of cultural studies. His dedication to teaching, research, and the establishment of academic programs left a lasting impact on both students and the broader academic community.

Teaching and Academic Roles

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Upon joining WKU as a professor in 1969, William Lynwood Montell brought his wealth of knowledge and passion for history and English to the classroom. His engaging teaching style and deep expertise captivated students, inspiring them to delve into the rich cultural heritage of the regions they studied. Montell’s commitment to his students extended beyond the classroom, as he mentored and guided them in their own research endeavors.

In addition to his role as a professor, Montell also served as an academic dean, further contributing to the growth and development of the university. His leadership and dedication to academic excellence helped shape the institution into a hub for cultural studies and folklore research.

Founding the Center for Intercultural Studies

One of William Lynwood Montell’s most notable achievements at WKU was the founding of the Center for Intercultural Studies in 1969. Recognizing the importance of fostering intercultural understanding and appreciation, Montell spearheaded the establishment of this center, which became a hub for interdisciplinary research and collaboration.

The Center for Intercultural Studies provided a platform for scholars and students from various disciplines to come together and explore the complexities of culture, identity, and heritage. Through conferences, workshops, and research projects, Montell and his colleagues facilitated meaningful conversations and promoted a deeper understanding of diverse cultural traditions.

Montell’s vision for the Center for Intercultural Studies continues to thrive today, attracting students and researchers from all over the United States and the world. The center’s impact extends beyond the university, fostering connections and dialogue that transcend geographical boundaries.

William Lynwood Montell’s contributions at WKU, both as a teacher and as the founder of the Center for Intercultural Studies, have left an indelible mark on the institution and the field of cultural studies. His dedication to education and intercultural understanding serves as an inspiration for future generations of scholars and researchers.

Research and Publications

William Lynwood Montell’s extensive research and prolific publications have solidified his reputation as a leading scholar in the field of cultural studies. His dedication to exploring regional history and folkways, as well as his willingness to tackle controversial topics, has contributed significantly to our understanding of diverse cultures and their complexities.

Focus on Regional History and Folkways

Throughout his career, William Lynwood Montell demonstrated a deep commitment to studying the history and folkways of specific regions. His research went beyond surface-level observations, as he immersed himself in the communities he studied, engaging with the common people and uncovering the rich tapestry of their traditions.

Montell’s publications, spanning 28 volumes, provide a comprehensive exploration of the Upper Cumberland region, situated between northcentral Tennessee and southcentral Kentucky. These works delve into various aspects of regional culture, including foodways, vernacular architecture, and the cherished pastimes of the local community. By documenting these everyday practices, Montell captured the essence of the region and preserved its cultural heritage for future generations.

Exploration of Controversial Topics

William Lynwood Montell’s fearlessness in addressing controversial topics set him apart as a scholar. He fearlessly tackled subjects that were often overlooked or deemed too sensitive to discuss openly. His research included in-depth analyses of post-Civil War racial relations, shedding light on the complexities and challenges faced by communities during this tumultuous period.

In addition to racial relations, Montell explored the covert function of crime that receives societal support, uncovering the hidden dynamics that perpetuated criminal activities. His work challenged conventional narratives and provided a nuanced understanding of the social and cultural factors that contribute to criminal behavior.

Montell’s exploration of controversial topics extended to the intricate relationship between oral and written history. By examining the interplay between these two forms of storytelling, he revealed the ways in which oral tradition shapes and influences written narratives, offering a fresh perspective on the construction of historical records.

Through his research and publications, William Lynwood Montell pushed the boundaries of cultural studies, encouraging dialogue and critical thinking. His willingness to tackle controversial topics has enriched our understanding of diverse cultures and fostered a more nuanced appreciation of their complexities.

Legacy and Recognition

The legacy of William Lynwood Montell as a folklorist and oral historian continues to resonate within the academic community and beyond. His profound impact on folklore and oral history research, as well as his enduring presence in university libraries and scholarly collections, solidify his status as a revered figure in the field.

Enduring Impact on Folklore and Oral History Research

William Lynwood Montell’s contributions to folklore and oral history research have left an indelible mark on the field. His meticulous approach to studying regional cultures, coupled with his genuine connection with the people he encountered, set a standard for future scholars to follow. Montell’s work serves as a source of inspiration, encouraging researchers to delve deep into the intricacies of cultural traditions and to recognize the value of oral narratives in shaping our understanding of history.

His groundbreaking research on topics such as racial relations, the covert function of crime, and the relationship between oral and written history has challenged existing narratives and expanded our knowledge of cultural dynamics. Montell’s work continues to shape the way we approach and interpret folklore and oral history, ensuring that his legacy endures for generations to come.

Presence in University Libraries and Scholarly Collections

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William Lynwood Montell’s extensive body of work has found a permanent home in university libraries and scholarly collections around the world. His books, which cover a wide range of topics including ghostlore, personal accounts of professionals, and various aspects of regional history and folkways, serve as valuable resources for researchers and students alike.

Montell’s publications can be found proudly displayed on the shelves of individuals whose lives he documented, serving as a testament to the impact he had on the communities he studied. Moreover, his works have found their place in university libraries and scholarly collections, ensuring that his research remains accessible to future generations of scholars and researchers.

The presence of Montell’s books in these esteemed institutions not only attests to their scholarly value but also highlights the enduring significance of his contributions to the field of cultural studies. His writings continue to inspire and inform, allowing researchers to delve into the rich tapestry of regional cultures and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of human experience.

William Lynwood Montell, a renowned folklorist and oral historian, passed away on December 21. His dedication to studying regional culture and his unique approach to oral tradition left a lasting impact on readers, academics, and students alike. Montell’s extensive research covered a wide range of topics, from racial relations to vernacular architecture, and his books continue to be cherished by those whose lives he documented. His contributions to folklore and oral history will be remembered and appreciated for years to come. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time.


