Imam reza shrine iran black flag, What is the black flag raised in Iran about?

Imam reza shrine iran black flag, What is the black flag raised in Iran about?

Iran raised a black flag at the Razavi shrine in Mashhad. Some social media users mistakenly claimed that the raised flag was a call for war, but this was not the case as it was a symbol of mourning. A black flag is raised over the shrine of Imam Reza at the Mashhad religious complex in Iran’s Khorasan province on October 18, 2023.

Imam reza shrine iran black flag, What is the black flag raised in Iran about? 1

The black flag is not a call to war but a symbol of mourning in Shia Islam. The plane was flown as a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian people after Hamas issued a controversial statement that an Israeli airstrike hit a hospital and killed 500 people.


The Shrine of Imam Reza is a famous religious complex of great significance to the Twelve Shia Muslims and a central point of religious pilgrimage.

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The complex also includes the Ghoshad Mosque, a museum, a library, four seminaries, a cemetery, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, a pilgrims’ restaurant and a huge prayer hall. A green flag usually flies over the shrine of Imam Reza.

People are talking about raising black flags on Twitter/X. While some were confused and thought it was a call to war, others recognized that this was a historic moment. One person wrote on Twitter: “For the first time in history, the Imam Reza Mosque in Iran will be covered with a black flag. Important!”

Another netizen said: “Iran’s raising of the black flag is not a call for war. This flag is a symbol of mourning.” He commented: “The black flag was raised at the Imam Reza Shrine in Mashhad. Mourning the martyrs and condemning the Israeli massacre at Mamadani Hospital in Gaza.”

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The netizen wrote on Twitter: “The black flag symbolizes mourning and calls on all Muslims to unite in this time of mourning and pain.” Another netizen commented: “For the first time in history, the Imam in Iran A black flag was erected next to the Raza’ah shrine. The flag was raised. The flag of mourning and mourning is for the #Palestinian people.” “A black flag of mourning is hoisted above the Iman Reza Mosque,” the statement said.

