Dua anggota Satpol PP Surabaya: membuat netizen geram

Dua anggota Satpol PP Surabaya: membuat netizen geram

Dua anggota Satpol PP Surabaya: In a recent viral video, two officers from the Satpol PP Kota Surabaya were brutally attacked during a labor demonstration, sparking outrage among netizens. The officers, identified as AM and TA, were stationed at a pedestrian area when a civilian asked for their help in clearing a path. However, instead of receiving assistance, the officers were violently assaulted by the demonstrators. The incident, which has garnered widespread attention on social media, has prompted calls for justice and action against the perpetrators. Let’s find out more here: cupstograms.net.


Insiden Penganiayaan Terhadap Petugas Satpol PP di Surabaya

Pada tanggal 30 November 2023, terjadi insiden penganiayaan terhadap dua petugas Satpol PP di Kota Surabaya yang menjadi viral di media sosial. Kejadian ini menuai berbagai respon dari warganet yang merasa geram terhadap tindakan massa aksi demo buruh yang terlibat dalam insiden tersebut. Kepala Satpol PP Kota Surabaya, M. Fikser, menjelaskan bahwa dua anggotanya yang terlibat dalam video viral tersebut adalah AM dan TA. Keduanya merupakan anggota Satpol PP yang bertugas menjaga pedestrian di rute 2 saat aksi demo buruh berlangsung.

Video Viral dan Respon Warganet

Video insiden penganiayaan terhadap petugas Satpol PP tersebut menjadi viral di media sosial dan memicu berbagai respon dari warganet. Banyak warganet yang merasa geram terhadap tindakan massa aksi demo buruh yang melakukan kekerasan terhadap petugas yang sedang menjalankan tugasnya. Mereka mengungkapkan keprihatinan dan kecaman terhadap tindakan tersebut, serta menuntut agar pelaku kekerasan dihukum setimpal.

Kronologi Kejadian

Berdasarkan kronologi kejadian, saat itu Jalan A Yani arah masuk Kota Surabaya ditutup oleh massa aksi demonstrasi buruh yang berjumlah sekitar 5.000 orang. Di tengah situasi tersebut, seorang warga meminta bantuan kepada petugas Satpol PP, AM, untuk membukakan akses jalan agar bisa berangkat kerja. AM dengan inisiatifnya berbicara kepada salah satu pendemo untuk meminta izin membuka sedikit akses jalan. Namun, sayangnya petugas Satpol PP tersebut justru diserang oleh pendemo. AM diserang hingga tersungkur karena ditendang, sementara petugas lainnya, TA, diinjak-injak oleh para pendemo. Beruntung, sebagian massa aksi demonstrasi kemudian melerai kejadian tersebut.

Cedera dan Perawatan Petugas

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Akibat penyerangan tersebut, AM dan TA mengalami cedera dan saat ini sedang menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit. Kondisi mereka perlu dipantau dengan baik agar pemulihan berjalan lancar. Pihak rumah sakit dan tim medis sedang berupaya memberikan perawatan terbaik kepada kedua petugas yang menjadi korban kekerasan tersebut.

Reaksi Warganet dan Tuntutan Hukum

Insiden penganiayaan terhadap petugas Satpol PP ini memicu reaksi keras dari warganet di media sosial. Banyak warganet yang mengecam tindakan kekerasan tersebut dan menuntut agar pelaku dihukum sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku. Mereka berharap agar kejadian ini menjadi momentum untuk menegakkan keadilan dan menunjukkan bahwa tindakan kekerasan terhadap petugas yang menjalankan tugasnya tidak dapat dibiarkan begitu saja. Beberapa warganet juga mengeluhkan dampak dari aksi demo buruh tersebut, seperti kemacetan yang terjadi di sekitar lokasi kejadian.

KBRN, Surabaya: A viral video of two Satpol PP officers being assaulted during a labor demonstration has sparked various responses from netizens. Many netizens expressed anger towards the actions of the labor demonstrators. The Head of Satpol PP Surabaya, M. Fikser, confirmed that the two officers in the video were indeed members of Satpol PP, identified as AM and TA. The two officers, who were part of the Jolodoro Team, were assigned to guard the pedestrian route 2 from before Bundaran Dolog to Royal Plaza using bicycles. At that time, the entrance to Surabaya was blocked by approximately 5,000 demonstrators. During the incident, a resident asked AM to open the road so they could go to work. AM approached one of the demonstrators to request permission to open a small access road. “However, the Satpol PP officers were attacked by the demonstrators,” said Fikser. AM was kicked by a demonstrator and fell to the ground, while TA was trampled by the demonstrators. Fortunately, some of the demonstrators intervened and stopped the attack. “As a result of the assault, AM and TA sustained injuries. Both officers are currently receiving treatment at the hospital,” explained Fikser. The assault on AM and TA quickly went viral on social media, causing outrage among netizens. Many netizens commented that the alleged perpetrators of violence against the Satpol PP officers should be punished accordingly. Some also complained about the traffic congestion caused by the labor demonstration. One netizen on Instagram, @deteksi, expressed concern about the assault on the Satpol PP officers. According to them, the actions of the labor demonstrators were wrong and violated the law. “That’s not right! If it were the other way around, they would be criminalized,” said the @deteksi account when commenting on the video of the assault on the official Instagram account of @satpolppsurabaya on Friday (1/12/2023). In addition to @deteksi, another Instagram account, @agus_bimbim_slengean, commented that the perpetrators of violence against the Satpol PP officers should be prosecuted. The account owner also tagged the official accounts of the East Java Police Public Relations and the Surabaya City Police Chief, Kombes Pol Pasma Royce, urging them to take immediate action. “We’re waiting for a response from @humaspoldajatim


