Aidan Maese-Czeropski tape video full leaked, Pop tingz Senate Staffer gay scandal

senate hearing room video

Leaked Video pop tingz senate video

Aidan Maese-Czeropski tape video full leaked, Pop tingz Senate Staffer gay scandal 1

Plenty of lewd acts happen every day in the so-called hallowed halls of Congress, but one of Sen. Ben Cardin’s staffers took things to the next level.

The plucky young “guy”‘s public Twitter account is almost entirely filled with on-the-spot crimes he and his older “bear” partner make. The images and videos were explicit and intentionally displayed prominently the employees’ faces.


senate hearing room scandal

One photo in particular that Cockburn shared privately raised eyebrows because it was taken in a conference room in the Hart Senate Office Building, where his boss has his office.

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In the photo, the burly young gentleman is naked except for a pair of underwear, lying on all fours with his back to the camera. A caricature of the Capitol dome tastefully covers the end of his butt—after all, taste is best. Coburn is passing on this information for the benefit of Capitol cleaners — and while the House may no longer be in session, the Senate itself is likely to be pretty chaotic.

senate hearing room video

Surprisingly, the most talked about story among Cockburn’s fellow hackers this week was about journalism: James Bennet published a 17,000-word reflection in The Economist, A look back at his time as the opinion editor of The New York Times and his downfall when he was “sent” by Sen. Tom Cotton. Troops’ reaction to the 2020 riots. One of Bennett’s most notorious former colleagues was particularly upset: “That’s a lot of self-righteous remarks made because you think you’ll be an editor one day,” Nikole Hannah-Jones, the book’s author, wrote on Twitter . 1619 New York Times Project and Magazine Reporters, Thursday. “Let’s not all be nostalgic for a time when newsrooms run almost entirely by white people produced objective news that truly represented the real American people.”

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