Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeEntertainment‘Gen Zs are not fools, tell them the truth’ – Ezekiel Mutua

‘Gen Zs are not fools, tell them the truth’ – Ezekiel Mutua

Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) Chief Executive Officer Ezekiel Mutua has emphasized the importance of honesty and transparency when engaging with Generation Z. 

Sharing on his X account on June 27, 2024, Ezekiel’s call to action came in the wake of Gen Z’s active participation in protests, despite President Ruto’s declaration of not signing the finance bill 2024.

From his statement, Ezekiel addressed legislators requesting them to have a discerning nature of Generation Z, highlighting their dislike of deceit and their preference for authenticity. 

Further, Mutua urged leaders to recognize that the current generation does not shy away from seeking the truth and values genuine communication.

By the way, these Gen Zs are not fools. They don’t like fake people. They are for authenticity. Do not change your principles to please them. They don’t buy pretence and they don’t buy fear. Tell them the truth and let the chips fall where they may. When the dust settles they will discover that there were people who loved them genuinely not to lie,” Mutua remarked.

Mutua cautioned legislators that, in the aftermath of turbulent times, the authenticity of leaders will be revealed, and their credibility will be judged by the very generation they seek to engage.

Mutua cautions Gen Z

In a previous statement, the MCSK boss cautioned protesting Kenyan youths not to throw away their legitimacy by going against the Constitution.

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“To Gen Z, your power lies in legitimate agitation, nonviolent protestations and respect for the rule of law. Do not throw away your legitimacy and credibility by being unruly or acting against the very constitution that you are riding on,” Mutua noted.

The remarks come after the youth-led protest on Tuesday turned violent over the Finance Bill, 2024.

MCSK Boss Ezekiel Mutua. PHOTO/@EzekielMutua/X

As protesters overpowered anti-riot police, they stormed the Parliament, sweeping the country with their demonstrations.

There were heavy clouds of tear gas enveloping Parliament as the crowd descended from virtually every direction, leading to the collapse of parliamentary gates near the Jomo Kenyatta mausoleum.

During the riot, police opened fire on the mob, killing an unknown number of people.

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